Convincing words
No trace after wind
2023-06-09 01:30:20
Complete sentences

1. When you are with a sunny person, your heart will not darken; When you are with happy people, you always smile at the corners of your mouth; When you are with smart people, you will become smart; When you are with wise people, you will not be confused.

2. When we are unhappy, we should talk less and sleep more. Only a warm quilt and a good dream at night can comfort us who are unhappy every day.

3. People are most happy: parents alive, two or three bosom friends, a lover who can't steal. Everything else is false. Don't worry too much.

4. Each choice has a different ending, just like taking a different road will have different scenery. Therefore, if you want to see the splendid scenery, you can meditate for a while before making a choice.

5. When life encounters difficulties and hardships, we should keep applauding, cheering and encouraging ourselves. Do not succumb to hardship, bow to hardship, or be intimidated by hardship. The ideal of life is for the ideal life. Only applaud for yourself, the road of life will be wider and wider, and the road of life will be more and more open.

6. Don't complain, because complaining is incompetence; Don't rely on it, because there is no free shoulder; Don't flinch, because there are many people who fall into the trap; Don't bow your head, because there is no gold on the ground, only garbage. The world is very big. You don't need to go to the top of a bull's horns. In a world that can't be squeezed, don't push it. You will be more effective if you change your perspective.

7. In my life, the only thing I can't put down is "money" and "love". People work from dawn to dusk for money; For the sake of love, people dig out their hearts and lungs and look through their eyes. In the end, "money" cannot be taken away and "love" cannot be retained.

8. Even if we encounter the greatest misfortune in the world, the premise to solve all difficulties is to live. Only by living can there be hope. No matter how painful and sad, as long as we can live hard, everything will be better.

9. Life advice.

10. After meeting all kinds of people, you will know that no one in the world except your parents will open their hearts and lungs to you, no one will unconditionally trust you completely, and no one will always treat you well. You should have known that it will be dark, people will change, life is so long and the road is so far, you can only rely on yourself, and there is no other choice.

11. There is no work in the world that is not hard, and there is no place where people are not complex. You reject the current unhappiness, and time will not pass slowly. So don't lose your temper at will. No one owes you anything.

12. Wise people think of good things in everything, think of happy things with a happy heart, and naturally achieve a happy life; Foolish people think of the bad in everything. The more they think about it, the more bitter they will become.

13. Don't complain to anyone, because 20% of people don't care, and the remaining 80% will be happy to hear it. Put your mind right and be gentle. Life is about crying for yourself and laughing for others!

14. There is not so much empathy in this world. If you are kind, he will advance. If you are weak, he will cheat ruthlessly. If you are honest, he will crush morality. Don't blame the society for not being warm if you hand over your affections to the wrong people. Because it was your stupidity that got hurt, so you just need to be smart, rather than wishful thinking to change the world.

15. All the efforts we have made are just to make ourselves comfortable, and the most comfortable thing is to be ourselves after knowing it.

16. Spoon salt, poured into the cup, very salty. A spoonful of salt, poured into the lake, is very light. Worry is like salt. It depends on the size of your heart.

17. Our busy purposes are often: to enjoy life, repay parents, satisfy lovers, and be selfless; But the result of our busy life is often: we can't enjoy life, we are far away from our parents, we ignore our lovers, and we become selfish.

18. No matter what you do, you should believe in yourself. Don't let others' words knock you down. There is no right or wrong in life, only persistence after choice, no regret, go on, go on, go on, flowers will bloom.

19. This is an age of fickleness and lack of justice. The emotion of ten years can be forgotten by one person, and the emotion of one year can be forgotten by a few glasses of beer. The best way to make someone unforgettable and think of you often is to borrow some money from him.

20. All problems encountered in growth are tailored. Once solved, you will become a survivor among people like you. If you don't solve it, you will never know who you may become.

21. When life is not satisfactory, it is a long holiday given by God. At this time, you should enjoy the holiday. Suddenly, one day the holiday ended, and fortune turned, life really began.

22. In my whole life, I can only say that some things are unexpected, some things are reasonable, some things are uncontrollable, and some things are unsatisfactory.

23. If you love someone, don't wait for others to come to you, because life is too short to wait; Because there are too many variables, I can't wait. Love is brave to speak out, don't let the short life leave regret.

24. If you really don't know what you are going to do in the future, simply do the immediate thing first. As long as today is better than yesterday, it is progress. In the long run, time will naturally return you an unexpected future.

25. The supercilious may not be without inferiority. Heartless, not necessarily not sad. Those who sigh are not necessarily greedy. He who cares about every ounce is not necessarily unkind. So, choose what you like, just like it—— Zhang Jiajia

26. The cruelty of life is that it seems that the distance between two or three steps may be endless in a lifetime. The charm of life happens to be the opposite: the endless distance in a lifetime can give you the illusion that you can reach it in two or three steps.

27. Although it is difficult to live alone, you must learn to be alone and not rely on others easily. This is to prevent you from living a good life when everyone around you leaves you. There will never be a person you can't leave. Just because you can't leave now doesn't mean you can't leave forever.