74 sentences describing the appearance of beautiful women
Butterflies fly
2023-07-12 11:57:59
Complete sentences

1. A lively and lovely little girl, with a white oval face and a pair of watery eyes under her curved eyebrows.

2. The girl is about thirteen or four years old. She is dressed in emerald green clothes, has white skin and a lovely face.

3. The hands are like catkins, the skin is like cream, the collar is like a marine paint, the teeth are like a gourd rhinoceros, the cicada head is like an eyebrow, the smile is beautiful, and the eyes are tiny.

4. He saw the girl's face was like a melon seed, with long eyelashes and big eyes, white skin, beautiful appearance, slim body, weak and delicate

5. He saw the girl with a melon seed face, long eyelashes and big eyes, white skin, beautiful appearance, slim body, weak and delicate.

6. Ning Jiayin ran to the top of the crossbar and stepped on the ground. She swung her arms and flew over the crossbar like a swallow.

7. Her face has a pair of beautiful eyes with childish and long eyelashes, just like two crystal grapes.

8. I saw that the woman was about eighteen or nine years old. She was slim, with big eyes, snow skin, and dark cloud like hair on the back of her head

9. Your melon seed shaped eyebrows are so white and long; A pair of watery eyes, so bright!

10. I saw that the woman was about eighteen or nine years old. She was slim, with big eyes, skin like snow, and a head of hair like dark clouds sticking out from the back of her head.

11. In front of him stood a tall girl with deep eyes and nose, laboriously dragging two large suitcases, looking at them expectantly.

12. The way you smile is the most moving. Two thin lips are smiling, long eyes are smiling, and two dimples on your cheeks are also smiling.

13. My mother is medium height, white and clean, with fashionable and avant-garde short hair, wearing black rimmed glasses, a bit more elegant. She is stern and kind.

14. Xiao Hong, my classmate, wears a big braid, which is black and shiny. A pair of big black and shiny eyes are embedded under the thick eyebrows, which looks beautiful.

15. A group of Dai girls came slowly, their figure was so slim, their steps were so light, and their demeanor was generous, like a group of beautiful fairies falling from the sky.

16. In front of him appeared a beautiful, white and greasy face with a playful smile. The moonlight shone in her clear eyes, just like two stars

17. My sister is really cute! Chubby, although a little introverted, I like it. He always looks shy, which really makes people like him!

18. Her face is round and red, like a big apple. She slept sweet, her eyes closed tightly, like two lines; Two eyebrows are like two curved crescents.

19. A clean, white and greasy face appeared in front of him, with a funny smile on his small mouth. The moonlight shone in her clear eyes, just like two stars.

20. She is a girl with Li Yuchun's charm, Zhou Bichang's loveliness, Zhang Liangying's wisdom, He Jie's boldness and Ji Minjia's courage. She is natural, healthy and happy.

21. The child is eight years old, one year younger than me, but a little taller than me. The round face has a pair of small smiling eyes, and the high nose has a small, eloquent mouth.

22. Clear and bright pupils, curved eyebrows, long eyelashes tremble slightly, white and flawless skin exudes light pink, and thin lips are as delicate as rose petals.

23. A girl wearing a pink and blue skirt, with a slightly wheat skin, looks so healthy. Her dark hair falls vertically over her shoulders, and her face is slightly pink.

24. She is modest in appearance, medium height, with long curly hair, sometimes shawl, sometimes ponytail. Coupled with a pair of half frame myopia glasses, it looks gentle and knowledgeable.

25. Like a fairy, I can't help but be stunned. As the boat slowly swung closer, I saw that the woman was young, but she was 15 or 16 years old. Her skin was more beautiful than snow. Her face was so beautiful that she could not be looked at

26. Like a fairy, I can't help but be stunned. As the boat slowly swung closer, I saw that the woman was young, but she was 15 or 16 years old. Her skin was more beautiful than snow. Her face was so beautiful that she could not be looked at.

27. She is a natural, healthy and happy girl with Li Yuchun's charm, Zhou Bichang's loveliness, Zhang Liangying's wisdom, He Jie's boldness and Ji Minjia's courage.

28. She is Miss Wang. She has a slim figure, medium height, white skin, curved eyebrows, and a pair of glasses! Her clothes are not many, because she is a very simple person.

29. She looks like me. She has a round face, big watery eyes, and two thin lips. When she smiles and grins, she will also produce a pair of sweet dimples, which is really cute.

30. Look, there is a girl coming from the opposite side with a long ponytail, a pair of curved eyebrows embedded in her melon seed like face, modest eyes, cherry mouth, and two dimples when she smiles!

31. Our teacher Pang often wears a dress. She is medium height. Her dark hair has a little puffy curl, a pair of big black eyes, and a pair of wide rimmed glasses on her nose. She looks very knowledgeable.

32. She closed her mouth and looked at herself with a smile. Her skin was as white as new and she peeled fresh water chestnut. A thin black mole on the corner of her mouth was even more beautiful. She had a oval face, which was pretty. She seemed to be one or two years younger than him

33. She is tall, with a ponytail behind her and a pair of small eyes shining with wisdom; She is white, clean, and beautiful, but she is different and very special.

34. She closed her mouth and looked at herself with a smile. Her skin was as white as new, and a thin black mole on the corner of her mouth was even more beautiful. She had a melon seed face, which was pretty. She seemed to be one or two years younger than him.

35. The wheat skin gives a healthy and energetic feeling. Wearing a complete set of pure white belt and pink edge sports clothes from Nike, the slightly curled brown hair is tied into a relaxed and lively braid, always with a confident and lovely expression.

36. Turning around, he saw her standing behind the table with her left hand, holding a throwing knife in her right hand, holding a white blade with her fingers, as if holding a flower branch, her handsome eyes were glinting, her lips were smiling, and she raised her hand to kill the enemy, as if nothing had happened. It was charming and gratifying

37. When he turned around, he saw her standing behind the table with her left hand, holding a throwing knife in her right hand, holding a white blade with her fingers, as if holding a flower branch, her handsome eyes were glinting, her lips were smiling, and she raised her hand to kill the enemy, as if nothing had happened. It was charming and gratifying.

38. Her body is not tall, her arms are still small, her cheekbones are still protruding, and her ten fingers are like a bunch of withered bamboo branches, as if they would break if they were broken; Because she is very thin, her body looks light.

39. Xu Shujie has two small braids, one pair of big eyes, like two black gemstones, flickering, and one small red mouth, showing a bit of cleverness. Xu Shujie is beautiful, but a little stingy.

40. I saw a girl wearing a lotus colored gauze shirt, her face facing the flower tree, her figure was slim, her long hair was draped over the vest, and she was gently tied with a silver ribbon. When he looked at her back, he felt that the girl was surrounded by clouds of smoke and light cages. She was really not human

41. I saw a girl wearing a lotus colored gauze shirt, her face facing the flower tree, her figure was slim, her long hair was draped over the vest, and she was gently tied with a silver ribbon. When he looked at her back, he could only feel that there seemed to be a haze light cage around the girl, which was really not a person in the world.

42. I have a classmate named Cai Shuqin. She has a fat face and big eyes. Cai Shuqin is also a fat woman in our class. Despite her good looks, she is one of the best experts in beating people. We call it fascism.

43. She is a willow eyebrow with big eyes and small mouth. From her big eyes, it seemed that she could see how blue the sky was and how white the clouds were. She also wears a ponytail, which moves rhythmically with her steps when she walks.

44. Luo Dantong is one of my good friends. She is very cute. Her chubby round face is a bit dark. Her eyes often make small ball like eyes, which makes people want to laugh but dare not laugh. Under her nose, she has a sharp sense of smell, and a small mouth that can talk incessantly.

45. Cuier is a famous handsome girl in the mountains far and near here. She is exposed to the sun all day long, but she can't wither or tan. Her face is white and her eyebrows are clear and bright. When I smile, my mouth looks like a quiet crescent moon. When I talk, my voice sounds like a yellow warbler beating its hooves.

46. A group of Dai girls came slowly, carrying small spinning carts on their shoulders, carrying small lanterns in their hands, and their tight, trailing skirts swayed in the wind. Their bodies are so slim, their steps are so light, and their manners are generous, like a group of beautiful fairies falling from the sky.

47. The young lady has a delicate appearance and a white and greasy complexion. It is rare to find such a beautiful lady in the north, even in the south of the Yangtze River. She was wearing a green brocade fur coat, which was very bright, but under the light of her face, the most brilliant brocade looked pale

48. Mr. Wang is the head teacher of our class. She is medium height, wearing a skirt, and has long black hair. At a young age, he should be 30 years old. His round face is inlaid with a pair of bright big eyes, which can clearly see the hearts of his classmates. It seems very energetic.

49. The young lady has a delicate appearance and a white and greasy complexion. It is rare to find such a beautiful lady in the north, even in the south of the Yangtze River. She was wearing a green brocade fur coat, which was very bright, but under the light of her face, the most brilliant brocade looked pale.

50. A wavy hair is flying in the wind, a moon like phoenix eyebrow, a pair of beautiful eyes, a straight nose, faint cheeks, blue lips, goose egg cheeks are very beautiful, the skin that can be broken by blowing is like frost and snow, and the body is delicate, like the god of Luo in the water.

51. Today, I introduce a person to you. She is my classmate and my good friend. Her name is Chen Yali. She is very beautiful, with a long ponytail and a flowing sea in front of her. Her big eyes and small mouth make her a lovely and eloquent girl.

52. My sister is very fat. Her face is round and her waist is two circles fatter than mine. She is also a third grader like me, but my sister is much fatter than I am. Because her mouth is not idle all day long and she keeps eating, she grows very fat, like a big round ball.

53. My cousin's name is Tong Tong. He is six years old. His chubby face is embedded with this pair of big watery eyes and a pair of small cherry mouth, which is very popular. So everyone likes him very much. But she just likes to be coquettish and crying. Sometimes we can't help her.

54. Her small mouth contains rich expressions: when happy, curl your mouth and make a face; When angry, a pouted mouth can catch a small oil pot. The words uttered from this mouth can sometimes make people angry, sobbing, and sometimes make people laugh.

55. On her red face, a pair of big, watery eyes are bright. Under the dark hair, two curved eyebrows, like the crescent moon. In her row of white teeth, there is a missing front tooth. When she smiles, she becomes a gaping tooth, which is very cute.

56. A beautiful strand of black hair falls down like a waterfall. The willow eyebrows are curved, the eyes are bright, the nose is pretty, the pink cheeks are slightly red, the cherry lips are dripping, the melon face is as crystal as jade, and the snow skin is as smooth as ice. The body is beautiful, charming, and affectionate.

57. Her tall stature; The black hair is stuck into a bunch of "horse tail", which is like a swallow flying; Her apple like face was embedded with a pair of bright eyes; Particularly prominent is the small mouth of the cherry, with the corners of the mouth slightly cocked up.

58. Although we can't see her face under the bangs, we can clearly see that her cheeks on both sides and her long white neck behind are all red, which is very beautiful. Then I noticed the girl's dress, wearing a cute cartoon T-shirt on her upper body and white capris on her lower body.

59. My best friend is Li Shizhao. She is outgoing, lively and lovely. She is thinner than me, her eyes are not big or small, her eyebrows are light, she has double eyelids, her mouth is red, like a little angel in a person. If she wore a purple skirt, she would walk on the road like a beautiful purple cloud.

60. She is seventeen years old, tall and peach shaped, lithe, dignified and elegant. Black hair is like paint, skin is like jade, beautiful eyes look forward, and a kind of unspeakable charm is revealed between every smile and smile. She is just like a peony in bud, beautiful but not evil, gorgeous but not vulgar, charming and incomparable

61. She is seventeen years old, tall and peach shaped, lithe, dignified and elegant. Black hair is like paint, skin is like jade, beautiful eyes look forward, and a kind of unspeakable charm is revealed between every smile and smile. She is like a peony in bud, beautiful but not evil, gorgeous but not vulgar, charming and incomparable.

62. The girl gives a deep impression that there is an amazing beauty beyond her age between her eyebrows. The light willow eyebrows have been clearly and carefully decorated. The long eyelashes flicker like two small brushes, and the bright eyes are so beautiful that they are palpitating. They are extremely smart and vivid.

63. In everyone's impression, Yu is a very ugly girl. No one wants to be with her. She is short and fat, with squinting eyes, crazy hairstyle, buckteeth and spots all over her face. So we gave her the nickname of Banhua, and I changed my opinion of her once after that.

64. I have a very good sister. She is my cousin. Every time she comes to our house, I am very happy. She has bright black hair and big lovely eyes. Eyebrows are thick, mouth is big, and teeth always grow outward. Every time I see her teeth, I laugh very hard.

65. I have a younger sister who is very naughty but cute! Her eyes twinkled like two black pearls. Beneath her small nose was a eloquent mouth, especially the two willow eyebrows, which were thin and long. Her white skin set off the delicate facial features, just like a graceful elf.

66. He is a boy who likes talking and laughing. He has a round face and big eyes, especially his big mouth. When he smiles, the corners of his mouth turn up slightly, and his words are very loud. He loves to speak, and his voice of answering questions often rings in class. He likes to wear short white shirts and blue shorts, which are neat and generous.

67. My deskmate is Yin Qianying. She has big eyes, thick eyebrows, a cherry mouth and a ponytail, which makes her a little "beauty". But her teeth are not beautiful, and there are two small tiger teeth, so she reveals two small dimples to cover up.

68. Our Chinese teacher has big watery eyes, two crescent shaped eyebrows, a small mouth like a cherry, and a beautiful black hair. "Dong Dong Dong" This is the sound of our Chinese teacher's high heels. Early in the morning, I saw the familiar figure of our Chinese teacher.

69. Teacher Cheng is over thirty years old this year. He is tall and fat, but he is smart in action. She has dark and thick hair, which falls down like a waterfall. Her face was round and white, and her two curved eyebrows were like hooks on a clothes line; Especially those beautiful big eyes, just like the stern mouth in the class, also seem to be able to speak, which are very powerful.

70. She is a beautiful girl. She has a strong personality. If you want to force her to do anything, there is no way. She has a pair of big watery eyes, a head of long black shiny hair, a mouth of neat teeth. She likes to wear red clothes. We are the best friends and often go out to play together. No, when the homework is finished, we hold hands and run to the garden.

71. Eh, who is the person in the mirror? She wears a ponytail and has a neat fringe; The slender eyebrows "hang" under the forehead like a crescent moon; A pair of bright eyes focused on the front, showing a smart energy; Stand at your post with your nose straight; The mouth closed tightly, as if there were words that could not be said. Yes, yes, this is me.

72. The person I admire most is my classmate Zhang Xue. She is 11 years old this year. She has a small nose, thin lips, and a pair of shining eyes on her white face. She is very energetic when walking. Her greatest advantage is her good academic performance, and she always ranks among the best in the class in every test; She is also a "sports master".

73. The little cousin is very cute. Her round little face was set with a pair of big black pearl eyes, and a pair of curved eyebrows grew above the eyes. There is a red mouth under the small and delicate nose. The little cousin has long hair and often wears a pair of "pigtails facing the sky". He likes to wear "baby clothes" and a pair of tartans underneath.

74. That dream rain! A typical tomboy, but also a pistachio! Every time we are with her, we are full of laughter and laughter. One action and one smile of her can make you laugh for a long time sometimes! Hmm... and that Lin Hai! He is a real "joke". Every time he walks, he shakes around! Always looks like a stupid, fat "duckling"