Impressions of Soul Catcher
South of the North Sea, spring sleepless
2023-11-08 16:47:07
Junior 1
impressions of after reading

After watching the film "Soul Catcher", I thought a lot and wrote down my impressions.
The film tells the story of a MIT cleaner named Will. With the help of Professor Rambo, psychologist Thorn and friend Chuck, Will finally opened his heart, eliminated interpersonal barriers, and found the story of himself and love.
The reason why this movie moved me is that the plot is reasonable and interesting. Although it tells the story of mentors and talents, it emphasizes "waiting for the self discovery and positioning of talents". It is not simply a story of a mentor pointing out a path to a genius, but how the mentor touches the gifted students' conscious choice of life path.
Will is a real genius. His mathematical talent is enough to change the world. Unfortunately, like many uncut talents, he has many problems, such as fighting, causing trouble, rebelling, and even almost being imprisoned. In order to help Will return to the right path and stop wasting his extraordinary talent, through the unremitting efforts of the professor and his psychologist friend Sean, Will finally overcame the shadow of his childhood and broke through the psychological barriers that had affected him for many years
This process of interaction between tutors and gifted students is equally touching to both sides, and also brings changes to both sides' lives in the next stage. This is the most worthwhile place to see this film.
Many people have no way to know their talents, because they can't find a teacher who believes in them, so they think they are stupid. How many people missed this opportunity to reach the sky, and how many people's talents were killed in the cradle. So each of us can't ignore the psychological problems of everyone around us, and help him solve them, so that he can succeed.