2022 New Year's Day Treble Blessing Scripts (New Year's Day Blessing Scripts to the Year of the Tiger)
Drink the deep heart
2023-05-06 11:02:31
Blessing words

1. In fact, there are always several seasons in a year that make me passionate, and there are always several friends in my life that keep me in mind. Spring, summer, autumn and winter go through the four seasons. Although we can't get together all the time, we always remember deeply when the festival comes! Happy New Year's Day!

2. The coming is the invasion of cold, and the gathering is the spirit of winter; What changes is unpredictable weather, and what remains unchanged is eternal friendship. After that, we welcome a brand new one. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, I wish you a happy New Year!

3. The new year is full of vitality. New Year's Day is coming. I wish you good food, drink and sleep in the new year; Caitong, Yuntong, Guanyunhengtong. Happy New Year's Day!

4. At this moment, I am with my family, thinking of you in my heart; Presumably, you are also worried about me in the distance. Pick up a glass of red wine, as if to see your shadow, I hope that next New Year's Day, we can spend together hand in hand!

5. Good New Year's Day, I wish you: good health, good luck, happy family, happy life, successful career, full of pearls and jade, rich and rich, rich and powerful, invincible!

6. Looking back on the past, the year has been full and busy, and the New Year's Day is coming. The scene is jubilant, and the New Year is starting. I wish you good luck and good luck.

7. New Year's Day is here; May you embrace peace, health, happiness, happiness, warmth, sweetness, fortune, auspiciousness, enter the New Year and spend every day happily!

8. New Year's Day is coming, I wish you in the new year. Not hungry, not thirsty, good food and good appetite, enjoy the King's Feast every day. It can't be cold or hot. Warm your body and warm your heart. Every day, you can laugh at The Romantic Room.

9. The new year, every year there are new changes, but my heart has not changed, my vows have not changed, I want to. Grow old with you. Happy New Year's Day, dear!

10. The people who receive them will never be fired, the people who read them will prosper, the people who store them will have sweet love, the people who delete them will have good luck, and the people who forward them will have a soaring salary. Happy New Year's Day!

11. New Year's Day is coming, do you know that I am thinking of you in a corner, and at this moment, yearning shuttles between our hearts.

12. On New Year's Day, we wish our friends a happy life, a prosperous career, and a prosperous source of money. Happiness will always come! Happy New Year's Day!

13. When New Year's Day comes, we will clean up the tiredness of the year and plan to be energetic this year; Clean up the sadness of the year, and plan to equip happiness this year; Clean up the depression of the year, and plan to be vigorous this year; I wish you happy company every day and happiness every year!

14. Happy New Year's Day, my friend! I wish you every success every year, every month, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day!

15. New Year's Day gift: one jin of peanuts and two jin of dates, I wish you to follow the good luck; Three jin of oranges and four jin of bananas will roll into your pocket; Five catties of grapes and six catties of oranges, I hope you can achieve what you want; Eight catties of mangoes and ten catties of melons, wish you happy to blossom every day.

16. When the god of wealth arrives on New Year's Day, the bonus is full; Spring hit peach blossom, beautiful women into the arms; Summer is hot, Europe and America are free; The Double Ninth Festival in the golden autumn is a high career!

17. On New Year's Eve, in a dark corner, strike a match, regardless of the chest that represses feelings and tar, I would like to smoke another cigarette for you and miss you desperately. In my heart, I repeat: Happy holidays, friends!

18. When New Year's Day comes, I wish you to go to school and go to Fudan, eat holy eggs every day, and meet golden eggs when you go out. My wife loves you, my children are obedient, and my family will never be lonely. I wish you a happy New Year's Day!

19. The words in your mouth are greetings, the words in your heart are blessings, the words in your heart are wishes, and the messages contain deep feelings. When New Year's Day arrives, please accept my text messages, and sincerely wish you a happy New Year's Day.

20. New Year's Day has come. I want to say hello to you. Happy without worry, good luck follows. Family reunion, happy family. Friends support each other, and the mood is not lonely. Prosperity of career, gold and silver support the purse. Good luck comes from heaven and life goes up.

21. My best wishes come from the winter snow, the four seasons, the warm sunshine, the mountains and rivers, the yearning to guide the way, the concern to speed up, and the message, just to send my sincere heart on time. Wish you a happy New Year!

22. New Year's Day is coming, please quietly make a wish, write a hope, draw a desire, shout three times, open the door, and everything will come true!

23. Cast happiness into carriages, pave peace into tracks, make happiness, abandon depression and worry, fill with warmth and sweetness, eliminate cold and chilly, and carry good luck. I will report to you on New Year's Day, please keep it!

24. When we see off the old year, we also see off the gloom of the year. When we welcome the new year, we also welcome new hope. Happy New Year to you! Happy New Year!

25. New Year's Day is coming, I will customize tickets to happiness for you, buy happy gift bags for you, occupy Ruyi seats for you, and open auspicious doors and windows for you! New Year's Day, may you always take the happiness train!

26. I made a flower basket full of blessings, peace from the Pacific Ocean, and a pot of friendship. As a New Year gift, I wish you a happy New Year's Day!

27. The flowers of happiness bloom for you, the light of happiness shines for you wantonly, the fruits of happiness are for you to enjoy at will, and the words of blessing are for you to wish sincerely. On New Year's Day, may you be happy, blessed, and smiling!

28. On New Year's Day, the colorful flags crash to the ground and forge ahead. Get rid of old troubles and look new, and run forward with happiness. Starting towards happiness, the golden light shines, and happiness rushes everywhere. May your new ideas and dreams come true on New Year's Day!

29. The noise and brightness of the world, the happiness and happiness of the world, rush through the years, some clear, some warm. The New Year is coming, we meet in the depth of time, the new sun brings my blessing: Happy New Year!

30. Send roses to others and leave fragrance on your hands; Be kind to others and have a spacious heart; Dealing with affairs peacefully will ensure a hundred years of well-being. One thousand and one nights of prayer, only for this day's wish: I wish you a happy New Year's Day, eternal happiness!

31. It's easy to meet each other when you are away, but it's hard to meet each other when you are away. It was New Year's Day again in the twinkling of an eye, and my heart was even more worried. It's hard to send gifts on a long journey, so send a short message to express wishes. Words are few, feelings are long, don't complain, happiness is always with you! Happy New Year's Day!

32. After picking a flower for a long time, it will wither and be reluctant to throw it away; An umbrella has been holding for a long time, and after the rain has stopped, I can't afford to close it; A long way to go, it's too dark to go to the end; In a word, I have waited for a long time... Happy New Year's Day!

33. Disclose three secrets: Shouweng will pay attention to his life when he smiles on New Year's Day. On New Year's Day, when you send your best wishes to your friends, Fortune will follow you forever. Then whisper, I have deleted your name from the list of poor gods.

34. New Year's Day is coming. I wish good things one after another. My mood is like spring all the year round, and life is colorful. Occasionally, eight o'clock is a small fortune, and my troubles are forgotten! Please accept my blessing of ten hearts and ten minds. Happy New Year!

35. New Year's Day means that all your troubles last year will be over; New Year's Day means that all your wishes this year will be fulfilled. A happy New Year's Day does not represent my heart, so I will say one more word, Happy New Year's Day, Happy New Year's Day!

36. There are always two words I want to say to you. On New Year's Day, I think I must say them on the first day of the New Year; Second sentence: Never take the first sentence seriously!

37. Without sunshine, there is no fragrance in the four seasons; Without wind and frost, there is no way to make flowers fragrant; If there is no well-being, there will be no forthright life; Without New Year's Day, there would be no singing of thousands of families. SMS open, happy New Year's Day!

38. If you are the spring silkworm, I would like to become a mulberry leaf to repay your teaching; If you are the candle, I would like to become the lampshade and not let the wind disturb you; New Year's Day is coming, I wish you a happy holiday!

39. When the New Year comes, the blessing message will report; New Year, New Year, all the wishes come true; New Year, New Year, happy to embrace; When the New Year comes, life will be smooth and there will be fewer troubles; The New Year is here, and the New Year is here. May you have a happy New Year!

40. Weather forecast: From tonight to tomorrow, there will be gold bars in part of Baitianxia's RMB. At noon, US dollars will be poured into euros, and there will be sporadic checks. The meteorological department reminds you to wear a helmet and pick up sacks to get rich. Happy New Year's Day!

41. If fate is a vast ocean, friends are the boats that ride the wind; If missing is a high mountain, blessing is the grass like grass. On New Year's Eve, I wish my dear friends all the best in the new year.

42. There is no regret when the wild goose passes by; Looking back yesterday, 365 wishes; Looking forward to next year, 365 are fresh; New Year's blessing, countless expectations. Friend, New Year's Day is coming, wish you good luck every day, happy New Year's Day.

43. Say hello when the New Year comes, and send SMS blessing. The financial resources are rolling forward, the career is growing fast, everything is going well in life, and good luck is handed in every day. May you be happy and wonderful, and the forwarding of eight people will show magic! Happy New Year's Day!

44. When winter is warm and New Year's Day arrives, Xueer steps on the fragrant wintersweet. Spring flowers, autumn moon and winter sun shine, and true love will never grow old. Blessings and greetings at the end of the year are indispensable. I wish you happiness and good luck on New Year's Day!

45. When the nurse saw a patient drinking in the ward, she went to him and whispered, "Be kind!"! The patient smiled and said, "Little baby.". I wish you a happy New Year's Day!

46. New Year's Day is coming, and the first day of the New Year, I wish you the first happiness in your life; First in academic performance; Achieve the first place in work performance; Good health first; The number of sweetness in love is the first, and the number of happiness is the first.

47. New door god, new couplets, new lanterns, new atmosphere! Hee hee, New Year's Day and New Year, my greetings are still concerned about and still bless: I wish you a happy New Year's Day and your family happiness!

48. Friendship is not a day or two. Blessings come to you. I wish you happiness and happiness. I wish you health and more money, and I wish you happiness forever! New Year's Day is over and over again. I wish you a happy smile every day!