500 words after reading 20 thousand miles under the sea
Simplicity is happiness
2023-08-21 07:05:39

This evening, the head teacher gave us a tear jerking speech, "Let Life Be Full of Love", which was made by Mr. Zou Yue. The theme of this speech is: love the motherland, love teachers, love parents, love yourself. "... home is the smallest country, and the country is tens of thousands of families... Only a strong country can create a happy home..." The melody of the song "Country" haunts my ears. The athletes shed blood and sweat in order to win honor for the country, and have a tenacious fighting spirit.

Teacher Zou Yue, who was in a foreign country, sang loudly when he heard the national anthem, and was proud of being Chinese. The current state leaders are punishing corruption and developing the economy for the stability of the country. I will study hard, improve my ability, and contribute to the country when I grow up. Teacher Zou Yue mentioned that we should love our teachers. Teachers are supposed to be valued and respected for imparting knowledge, teaching people and cultivating talents for the motherland. From childhood to adulthood, I have always respected my teacher. In my eyes, teachers care for us like parents. Some teachers' sternness is another expression of love. It is reported that some teachers have caused harm to students, who do not deserve the title of teacher, and should be cleared out of the ranks of teachers. I'm glad I don't have such a teacher.

Therefore, I love my teacher more! Teacher Zou Yue also talked about loving parents. It was my parents who gave me life, and their love for my children was selfless and unrequited. They taught me to walk, learn to speak, and grow up with me, which is our important financial and psychological dependence. "Children with parents are like treasure". In order to let us live and study carefree, they think we work hard, and I love my parents. Love yourself: the body is given by your parents. No matter how tall or thin you are, you should not abandon yourself. Some people will commit suicide if they encounter something unpleasant, and those who are lovelorn will commit suicide. These are all manifestations of not cherishing yourself. We should strive for self-reliance. Don't be knocked down when encountering difficulties. He fell down and got up. In this way, you will be stronger, braver and more able to overcome difficulties. Success will get closer to you. Don't compare. There is no identical life in the world. Everyone's life will be wonderful. Only by being good at yourself, you can live without regret. We love ourselves, our parents, our teachers and our motherland. Let our life be full of love, let the world be full of love!