Quotations of Chicken Soup Sentences in Sad Times (Selected 90 Sentences)
Lotus floating in clear spring
2023-03-24 07:58:36

1. I will be very sad at night and miss you every minute.

2. I still love you; What I can't hide is that I still miss you.

3. I think I am not so strong, but I try to be brave again and again.

4. If breaking up is the only relief, then it's up to you.

5. Without you and the past, I would not be sad.

6. Sorry, I will never fall in love with anyone again.

7. Every time you appear, it's hard to let go.

8. I think I will understand, after all, I am not the only one for you.

9. I always feel that some words and things are familiar.

10. Deep love becomes estrangement, passion becomes a laughing stock.

11. I love more simply than my face, more innocent than my pet.

12. A strong woman will cry, but she will never admit defeat!

13. My tears become rain, and I can't bear to wet you.

14. Everything that can last is based on liking. I dare not look at you. Every look is a confession.

15. A rain, an umbrella, a street, a person walking.

16. The eyes are astringent because of the turbid tears, the love is astringent because of the persistence of deception.

17. Only what you don't want to put, nothing you can't put down.

18. When vulnerability becomes a wall, what can I use to resist it.

19. Try to smile, just to cover up the tears already exist.

20. Even if it was windy, he would not take me home.

21. You have branded my life, but you only regard me as a passer-by.

22. You are so sensible, no one must be distressed.

23. Don't let the past memories torture the present.

24. Love is just a game of entertainment.

25. My vision is different, so I like you very much.

26. When a person doesn't love anyone, he can love anyone around him.

27. I don't care about everlasting life, only about having it.

28. Women are like flowers and dreams. Flowers wither and dreams break.

29. Youth is so precious that it is a waste of time.

30. Just to survive, I began to learn and understand to let go.