Classic Quotations of Celebrities on Life (74 selected sentences)
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2023-03-17 14:59:16

1. From anticipation to implementation, from hope to success, is the right way to develop life and career—— Feng Zikai

2. A stage of my life will end tonight and a new stage will begin tomorrow—— Charlotte Bronte

3. Life doesn't go through every stage of life like a train going through every station. Life is always straight ahead, never leaving anything behind—— Lewis

4. Life is like this cup of strong wine. Without repeated refining, it will not be so delicious—— Guo Xiaochuan

5. Only those who walk in front of life and create a new life with their own labor can talk about true beauty—— Jiang Kongyang

6. My dear friends, all theories are grey, and the precious tree of life is evergreen—— Goethe

7. Spring is the new season of nature in a year, and the new season of life is the youth of a lifetime—— Cicero

8. There is nothing you can't do in life, but you need to have a strong desire, and you should spare your life when necessary—— Leonov

9. Love books, it will make your life comfortable and happy, it will help you to identify the shape of ideas, feelings, things, it can teach you to respect others and yourself—— Golgi

10. Parents love what they love and respect what they respect—— Confucius

11. Life is a book without words. People with sharp eyes can see wonderful words; Book is a life with words. Only those with rich feelings can deeply understand it—— Zeng Ming

12. The mundane things are fleeting. Don't care too much. But lakes and trees, the wide fields full of daisies everywhere, and the refreshing grasslands, are eternal—— Helen Keller

13. A man should have three minds, one born, one derived from books, and one derived from life—— Montaigne

14. The happiness and happiness of life is not in money, not in love, but in truth. Even if what you want is a kind of animal happiness, life will not allow you to drink and be happy at the same time. It will hit you suddenly and unpreparedly all the time—— Chekhov

15. The main tragedy of life is to stop fighting—— Nikolai Ostrovsky

16. There are two ways to live quietly, that is, to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both methods save us from thinking—— Kozibuski

17. When I left him, I knew that love is one thing, life is one thing, love is one thing, time is another—— canoe

18. The essence of life lies in death, so only those who are willing to live can really not feel the pain of death—— Montaigne

19. We should trust our own reason and start from the reasonable phenomenon of life—— boris makarenko

20. Life always hurts us all over, but later, those hurt will eventually grow into our strongest place—— Hemingway

21. The purpose of mastering knowledge is not to argue endlessly, not to despise others, not to benefit, honor, power or achieve a certain purpose, but to use it for life—— Bacon

22. As long as you don't care about the gains and losses, what can't be overcome in life—— Hemingway

23. Oh, my dream has finally come true! The hoop has been smashed. He picks up a new weapon, returns to the fighting team and starts a new life—— Nikola Ostrovsky

24. Without books in life, there is no sunshine; Wisdom without books is like a bird without wings—— Shakespeare

25. Life is endless enjoyment, eternal happiness and strong intoxication—— Faradan

26. The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boredom—— Roman Roland

27. What disgusts her is not the ugliness of the world, but the beautiful mask the world wears—— Milan Kundera

28. The greatest happiness in life is knowing that someone loves me—— Hugo

29. I am not at all sorry for my poor life. What made me sad was that the day was too short and it passed so fast—— Madame Curie

30. The value of life lies in creation—— Golgi

31. The beautifier of life and the consolidator of society—— Robert Brahai

32. When young people are trapped in injustice, they dare not look at their conscience in the mirror; Adults are not afraid to face up; The difference between the two stages of life lies entirely in this point—— Balzac

33. There is death before death, and there is life beyond the limits of one's life. The real dividing line between us and nothingness is not death, but the cessation of activities—— Stefan Zweig

34. We live in the world not to ask for anything from life for ourselves, but to try to make others live a happier life—— Osborne

35. To love life from work is to carry out the deepest secret of life—— Gibran

36. A dutiful son does not flatter his relatives, and a loyal minister does not flatter his king, so his officials are prosperous—— Zhuangzi

37. Steel is tempered by fire and sharp cooling, so it can be hard and fearless. Our generation has also been tempered in such struggles and terrible tests, and learned not to yield to life—— Nikolai Ostrovsky