63 proverbs that people should be cultured
Say goodbye to the past
2023-04-27 18:53:08
English Proverbs

1、 There is something to say in person.

2、 Giving is better than taking.

3、 The prime minister can sail in his belly.

4、 He who values wealth over righteousness is not a gentleman.

5、 There is only one thing missing from everything.

6、 Don't let the doubts of others stop you from seeing alone.

7、 One is not afraid of hardship, and the other is not afraid of death.

8、 Don't be afraid of death, just be shy.

9、 Clean your sleeves and be upright.

10、 Everyone for me, I for everyone.

11、 A man is afraid of his heart, but a tree is afraid of its roots.

12、 Don't forget when you are grateful.

13、 No success, no food, no sleep.

14、 It is not difficult to borrow again.

15、 The fireflies only shine on themselves, and the geese don't walk alone.

16、 Devote oneself to the task and die.

17、 One righteousness suppresses all evils, and a righteous man corrects himself first.

18、 Don't blame others, blame yourself more.

19、 But if you have to go one step further, why not be human.

20、 A goose feather sent thousands of miles away is a light gift and a kind and righteous gift.

21、 Tufu can be used as a city wall, and accumulated virtue can be used as a thick land.

22、 Better teach the body to suffer than the face to suffer.

23、 Courtesy can calm people's anger and make people stop fighting.

24、 The less he thinks, the more he speaks.

25、 I have to give up if I find a favor.

26、 Life is a hero, death is a ghost.

27、 Politeness is the golden key to human coexistence.

28、 The poor are not poor in ambition, but poor in reason.

29、 Be careful in your words and not frivolous in your actions.

30、 Evil cannot overcome righteousness, and hypocrisy cannot overcome truth.

31、 Standing by the river means not to wet your shoes.

32、 We should be careful in our law, not in our judgment.

33、 The villain likes to boast about his own merits, but also likes to make others short.

34、 It is better to fix your heart than to fix your face.

35、 People can't hurt others, and the weather can't hurt people.

36、 Don't enjoy all the blessings and talk all the words.

37、 If you shed a piece of love, you will get lifelong happiness.

38、 Weigh things to see Libra, and do things according to your conscience.

39、 Self esteem should not be arrogant, and self humility should not be inferior.

40、 Politeness is the second sun of civilized people.

41、 Don't be ashamed of yourself. Don't be afraid to call the door in the middle of the night.

42、 A man has no duty to lighten a madman, but to be content is to be grateful.

43、 Where we don't meet in life, don't let small complaints make us angry.

44、 The greatest sorrow in life is to live up to time.

45、 You are civilized, I am civilized, and civilization inherits thousands of families.

46、 The flowers of mercy on hand are like brocade, and the grass of mercy on foot is like grass!

47、 Calm does not mean timidity, courage does not mean boldness.

48、 Bamboo can be folded rather than bent, and scholars can be killed rather than humiliated.

49、 If it is not convenient to walk with people, it is always empty to recite Amitabha.

50、 Be honest and trustworthy for a moment, shining every moment.

51. Be cautious in socializing, and be patient in doing things.

52. Learn from the pine trees on the mountain in the snow, and do not make wall grass in front of the wind.

Fifty-three. sit still and think about your own life. don't talk about others when you are free.

54. It is not that we cannot see justice, but that we are afraid of seeing justice without acting bravely.

Fifty-five, life can not open brilliant flowers from lies.

56. Politeness is a desire to reclaim polite respect.

57. Moral things are realized by deeds, not by words.

58. If a man is rude, he will not stand; if a thing is rude, it will not succeed; if a country is rude, it will not be at peace.

59. Only shameless people can say shameless words.

60. In interpersonal communication, the more thoughtful the etiquette, the more safe it will be.

61. Smile is our language and civilization is our belief.

62. Those who abide by morality and justice, those who practice loyalty and trust, and those who cherish honor and integrity.

63. Birds fly because of their wings, and society progresses because of civilization.