81 SMS messages on Singles Day
You and I make a speech. I don't see you in my middle age
2023-05-27 11:56:46
SMS Collection

1、 Singles Day to turn blessing, friends, please remember. Must eat fragrant, must sleep sweetly, must be happy, must be safe and healthy. Wish you a happy holiday in advance!

2、 Singles' Day is coming, I wish you all the best. Please remember my friends. Must eat fragrant, must sleep sweetly, must be happy, must be safe and healthy. Wish you a happy holiday in advance!

3、 Singles Day is coming, the weather is getting colder, so keeping out of the cold is the key, and the first task is to get rid of orders quickly. Off the list benefits: a busy day, there is hot food at home, mutual embrace can keep out the cold, sweet talk also warm!

4、 It's Singles Day again. All the streets and alleys are lovers. Who pity me for being a single; Playing computer games for a day, having instant noodles for dinner, ask me what I wish at this time, and find a beautiful woman to spend the holiday with!

5、 On Singles Day, the organization asked me to tell you: to speed up the development of feelings, consolidate the foundation of love, implement the marriage system, create a world of two people, and work tirelessly to create a new life!

6、 Singles suffer, and there is no blessing on Singles' Day; Single sweet, do not calculate private money; Singles like to sleep at night without fear of crowding; Singles' Day, I received a message on January 11, and wish you a happy Singles' Day.

7、 Shoes polished, hair combed, eyes shining, teeth reflecting; Eating popsicles at home, eating popsicles when going out, eating popsicles when getting on the bus, and eating popsicles when going home; I will be happy to finish the above items on Singles Day!

8、 Before coming on November 11, I send you 1111 wishes. Bless you: happy every day, relaxed every week, healthy every month, harvest every year, happiness forever! Happy Singles Day!

9、 For a long time, today I finally found that we have something in common, that is, one person is full, and the whole family is not hungry. They are all single, and we cherish each other. I wish you a happy Singles Day and an early separation from the single community.

10、 It's good to care about yourself in spring and winter; Whether it's Singles Day or Tanabata Day, it's better to have a happy holiday; I wish you have fun, I wish you safe and healthy, I wish you to find true love as soon as possible!

11、 The male single stands on the left, the female single stands on the right, and the remaining single stands in the middle. This is not a drill, it is a sneak attack. Let's accept the bullet of blessing issued on Singles Day: get out and join in as soon as possible, and double happiness!

12、 Today is Singles' Day. I wish all the best for married people, the sweetness of love and the success of minors' study! The key wish is that female singles are always young and beautiful, male singles are always full of vitality, and find true love as soon as possible!

13、 Life will always surprise singles, otherwise you will have a love affair, give your heart and try to get married. There must be a person you like more before the evidence is pulled. Hey, little joke. Happy Singles Day!

14、 A gust of cool wind and cold, a leaf in autumn; On the annual Singles Day, one person raises a glass to invite the moon; At a glance, a pair of pairs, bit by bit from the bottom of my heart; One wish suddenly aroused, and one person could not live in this festival again!

15、 What's wrong with a bachelor? Isn't it listening to music alone, eating and traveling alone? We can still live freely and happily. Today is Little Singles' Day. May little Singles be carefree and happy forever.

16、 Notice of Singles Day: Dear Singles, pay attention! When you meet a beautiful woman, you should be sentimental. When you meet a handsome man, you should be sentimental. Don't be sentimental to others. Don't always be ruthless to people. May you meet true love on holidays.

17、 Singles' Day, a collective holiday, a common holiday with happiness; You are happy, I am happy, single life more freedom; Forget your husband, forget your family, and become free; Break through the encirclement, get out of the besieged city, and get reborn.

18、 Singles Day is coming, so I wish all the best for married people in advance, the sweetness of love, and the success of minors' study! The key wish is that female singles are always young and beautiful, male singles are always full of vitality, and find true love as soon as possible!

19、 Attention please, the limited edition of Singles Day greetings: due to seasonal changes, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, you must pay attention to your health. If you have a husband to take care of, if you have a wife to keep warm, please protect yourself.

20、 Man, it's Singles Day again. Last year, I promised to introduce you to someone. Today, I will give you a romantic date. This girl is cute. She has big ears and a long nose. Her name is Piggy. Love it!

21、 A real bachelor dares to face the bleak love, face the incomplete life, laugh at the romance, dare to treat the forbidden fruit coldly, and can also endure our overwhelming troubles! Happy Singles Day!

22、 The day before Singles Day, my girlfriend and I got a marriage certificate. I finally broke away from the singles family on Singles Day, alas! This is the result of my efforts. Single friends! What are you waiting for. Sister Lin won't fall from the sky. Come on!

23、 No flower, no tree height, you are a bachelor nobody knows. Don't be lonely, don't worry, you see your partners everywhere. Super Singles Day, the wind will blow you and give you infinite happiness!

24、 If you don't want to become a Buddha, please step into the world of mortals and find a partner; If you don't want to be lonely, please seize the fate and find an object; If you don't want to spend Singles' Day alone, what are you still doing? Hurry up and go on a blind date!

25、 Shopping consumption is not a drag, independent and straightforward. Don't sweep the house, don't fold the bed and quilt, don't listen to wordiness, and don't kneel down. Don't look at your face, don't be afraid of yourself, spend money freely, and be a master. Long live Singles Day!

26、 November 11 is Singles Day. I wish I am a bachelor now and will be a bachelor in the future. He is a bachelor now, but not in the future. He is not a bachelor now, but may be a bachelor in the future. Happy Singles Day!

27、 One person costs, no drag; Independent and decisive; No noise, no tears; All income is at your disposal; Spend money freely, and be a master. Today's Singles Day, say hello to all single friends!

28、 Inadvertently broke into your love network, so I found the world's largest and can not get out of the network. If I fall in love with you accidentally, I will know the bitterness and sweetness of missing you. Singles Day wish: I hope to be a pair with you tomorrow!

29、 A new interpretation of bachelors. On Little Singles Day, you are still a little single; After Singles Day, you have become a middle-aged senior bachelor; If you don't say goodbye to being single again, be careful to become an old bachelor on Big Singles Day!

30、 Singles Day is not lonely, friends greet to accompany. There is a long way to go in life. After all, being single is very short. Although there is no company for the time being, it is only a few years to be free and easy. Don't waste your good time. You must have a happy holiday!

31、 If love is investment, I hope your love is fixed; If love is a passbook, I hope you are dead; If love is algebra, I hope your love is infinite. Singles Day, I wish you sweet and happy love.

32、 The left eye jumps, the peach blossom opens, the right eye jumps, the love blossom opens, the good luck comes as if the spring breeze, the love spring hundred flowers open. On Singles' Day, I wish you good luck, good luck from both sides, get off the list as soon as possible, be happy in pairs, and be happy.

33、 The declaration of the Year of Singles in 2020: a real bachelor, dare to face the bleak love, dare to face the lonely life, dare to laugh at the romantic, dare to cold against the forbidden fruit, and also be able to bear the overwhelming letter, anger and trouble.

34、 Singles' Day is coming soon, so it's time for you to start to act and get married if you are single; It's time to prepare sweet words to win lovers' hearts; It's time to collect dating information and enjoy happy treatment. Wish you a happy Singles Day in advance!

35、 Singles Day, you are single and you are cute. You never stir fry when you eat; You are a bachelor, you are proud, and you have no worries about philandering; You are a bachelor, you are glorious, you are a dragon of transportation; You are single and happy. You can say whatever you think.

36、 Don't move. The male single stands on the left, the female single stands on the right, and the remaining single stands in the middle. This is not a drill, it is a sneak attack. Let's accept the bullet of blessing issued on Singles Day: get out and join in as soon as possible, and double happiness!

37、 On November 11, Singles Day, after receiving this message, the nunchakus and the three nunchakus will be happy. If the single nunchakus forward this message to 11 friends, they will be able to quickly get rid of the single, and successfully promoted to the nunchakus. Come and try!

38、 Whether you are a nunchaku or a nunchaku; It is also a good staff that can beat others by surprise; Whether you are loved or not; Happiness is the love of friends. May you have fun and enjoy yourself! Happy Singles Day!

39、 Singles don't walk the ordinary road, and it's most comfortable to be independent; Singles enjoy the feeling of flying, and can go to the moon in nine days; Singles laugh when they see people. Hello, everyone. Singles Day is coming, please remember that being single is also a kind of happiness.

40、 When a single man comes out, one will win two; Glorious, lacking an object; Be fair and aboveboard, and live happily; To honor our ancestors, you are the only one; Brilliant, chic and romantic. On Singles' Day, I wish you all the trouble and more beautiful life.

41、 On Singles Day, my good sisters put forward good suggestions. They can see through that men have secret scripts, educated people use pens, fashionable people can dress, people who wear famous watches are rich, people who drink fresh milk have physical strength, romantic people are impractical, and people who have no room are quasi single-minded.

42、 Singles Day is coming! Wish married people all the best! The love of love is sweet! Do a good job of underage! Focus on wishing female singles always young and beautiful! Single men are always full of vitality! Find true love as soon as possible and become a double stick!

43、 Winter is coming! It's getting cold again! On November 11, Singles Day is coming! Warm reminder: Take good care of your husband! The warmth with a wife is good! Hold the lover well! Single comrades please protect yourself! Happy holidays!

44、 I almost forgot what day it is today. If I hadn't thought of you, I wouldn't have noticed it. Day by day, today is your good day, you must not forget that today is your festival, I wish you a happy Singles Day!

45、 Relax on Singles' Day. Hum, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

46、 There are so many beautiful women. I am tired of villas and my marriage is delayed. Singles Day comes after spring and autumn. I feel lonely and worried. I wake up in the morning and sleep in the cold bed at night. I hope to have a companion next year, so I don't need to sing Singles songs again.

47、 Since having you, Singles Day is no longer lonely. Eat together and go shopping together. Life is full of your sweetness, no worries, no loneliness, no loneliness, no sadness, full of happy memories. I hope to continue with you in the coming year!

48、 Falling leaves worry about rain, and desert smoke worries about loneliness. Men worry, women worry. Singles worry on Singles Day. Worried about work and life, I am most worried about no silver. Sooner or later, I am worried. I hope you will never worry!

49、 On the annual Singles' Day, a few sorrows came later. Being alone and bitter, the world of mortals looked forward to meeting each other as companions. Two songs of heartfelt love had no reason to tell each other. The two singles seemed to know each other. They talked happily, laughed and worried, and drank happily with you. Happy Singles Day!

50、 Singles Day creative method: eat only one fried dough stick for breakfast, use only one chopstick for dinner, take only one bus, use only one mahjong, click "Loneliness for a lifetime" for karaoke, and send only one message. Singles Day must be happy!

51. Singles Day, in order not to sing Singles Love Song, in order not to be lonely all my life, in order not to leave sadness for myself, you want to fight, get up, and love seeking wings. I wish you a happy bachelor

52. Singles' Day: Singles' mood: loneliness, emptiness, coldness, envy, jealousy and hatred; Singles' wish: meet a opposite sex, whether it is fate or misfortune; Singles' hope: the other half should cut corners to find it, because 2012 is coming.

Fifty three. The opposite bachelor looks over, over, over. The blind date here is wonderful. Please don't ignore it. If you miss the opportunity, you should regret it. You should bring back the person you like. Otherwise, please come back ten days later on Singles Day!

54. Seeking, the footprints of love in the grass. Alone, just because I want to be good to one person, I don't want to be a fan of ten thousand people. Wait sincerely. Open the door and welcome your favorite fairy. Singles Day, I hope you can turn her into your wife as soon as possible!

55. It's good to be a bachelor. You can go shopping alone, consume alone, and sleep around without worry; No company, no company, all time at your own disposal. Freedom is precious. Long live a bachelor. Happy Little Singles Day!

56. It is difficult to find a partner when the dating program is popular. There are many matchmakers and matchmakers, so it is difficult to find a partner. The gap between rich and poor is large, so it is difficult to find a partner. With the open concept of sex, it is difficult to find a partner. It's hard to find a partner when you are in love. Happy Singles Day.

57. The most diligent reason for being single; Why do you want to be at home when you have failed in your career? The most handsome reason; Passing through the flowers, the leaves will not touch you. The most confident reason; Have the charm of a diamond king. The best reason; You can celebrate Singles Day.

58. Buy 2 fried dough sticks in the morning and eat them; Take No. 11 bus to and from work; Lunch at 11:11 pm on time; Invite four singles to play mahjong in the evening, only four of them are Hu; Go to bed on time at 11:11 at night. Happy Singles Day!

59. There is such a festival, which represents loneliness and lack of care. It is under the banner of a festival, but it makes the old man scratching his head and makes Cupid unable to save him. Friends, you are among them. I wish you a happy Singles Day!

60. The reality is a little helpless, and the feelings are still blank. Just waiting for true love and becoming single. If nothing happens, fate will come sooner or later. The flower of true love is in full bloom, and true love is infinitely wonderful. Wish single handsome guy, early love irrigation!

61. Old bachelors, young bachelors. Singles Day says bachelors; Fat bachelor, thin bachelor, everyone is single together; Single men, single women, come and go with a single; Beautiful bachelor, handsome bachelor, give birth to a little bachelor as soon as possible. Happy Singles Day!

62. To believe in true love, TA must exist. Either we don't love, or we love happily. Without the irrigation of love, life is boring. Have a good attitude and keep happy. Love has its ups and downs. Don't be careless. True love is always there!

63. On November 11, the club held an entertainment activity with rich contents, free of charge to recruit single members. Singles can quickly apply. Those who are not single please find a way to become single. This is a rare opportunity and can't be missed. Happy Singles Day!

Sixty four. A cold wind and a cold current hit my heart. Singles' Day is coming, and I feel cold and trembling. Who wants to be single without a wife. Be a handsome guy and try to get married early. I wish you all the best!

65. Singles are not terrible. They are afraid of being educated. Culture doesn't matter, just afraid of the whole text message to remind; It doesn't matter if you remind me, but I'm afraid that Singles Day will also pass on the blessing; Pass it on, I'm single, I'm afraid of who. I wish you a smart life!

66. Hello, your current emotional account balance is 30 million, of which the basic balance is zero (no wonder you are single), and the free balance is 30 million: you must be attentive, considerate, and persistent. Wish you a happy Singles Day!

67. Today is Singles Day. As a friend, I would like to make a solemn commitment to you responsibly and sincerely... When I eat meat, you will definitely eat bones. Happy Singles Day!

68. What was it yesterday and what is it today? Lonely, I can't remember. Yesterday's light comes today's light, and today's night is still bleak. It's a long time to be a bachelor all the year round. Remember not to be sentimental when you are single. You will meet good people in the future. Singles Day should be happy.

69. Sincerity comes from nature, and sincere blessings come from simplicity. We are friends, and blessings can be simple. You are single, and straightforward is unnatural. Time is like flowing water. We are eager to see it through. When will we have a wedding feast? Hurry up! Happy Singles Day!

70. This year's Singles' Day has come as scheduled. I hope that singles must remain modest and prudent, not arrogant and impetuous, and that they can find people as soon as they find them, or not find them, so as to create a new situation for singles' work. Happy Singles Day!

Seventy one, Singles Day has passed, have you implemented your plan to strip naked? November 22 is the day of couples. You are invited to attend the "naked party" for review. You can't come alone. You must pair up!

Seventy two. In the lonely and bleak countryside, the wind blows down the leaves, and the leaves fall down and the trees become sticks, so it's time for Singles Day. The words of greeting don't say much. I only hope you can get rid of the cold season and have a warm embrace as soon as possible.

73. The most beautiful thing in the world is not a dream, but the memory of your existence. The most romantic thing in the world is not "I love you", but I wait for you. The happiest thing in the world is not holding your hand, but that you are beside me on Singles Day.

74. Definition of the term bachelor: The nickname "Guangguang" is a bachelor, commonly known as bachelor, and once used to be the name of older youth. The male bachelor is called Le'nan, alias Saint Warrior, the female bachelor is called Le'nan, alias Saint Mary. Happy Singles Day!

Seventy five. I thought that on November 11, both sides formed a pair, which did not conform to the bleak atmosphere of Singles Day. On November 1, when I squinted at the other pair, I suddenly added a cool and gorgeous temperament. The sky was covered with a golden light, and a kind of cup fell from the sky!

76. Seeing that you have been a bachelor for so many years, I think it must be because there are so many people who love you secretly, because no one has confessed to you until now. It's Singles Day again. Relax and take off the "light" belongs to you sooner or later.

Seventy seven. I don't want to celebrate Singles' Day any more. I just want to hold hands with you, walk around happily, fill my eyes with the scenery of the years, and let the feeling of happiness never slip away until the end of time. Honey, let's take off the "light" together.

78. Singles Day is coming. Although you are still single, don't be sad. Do you think Ning Caichen's pursuit of Xiao Qian is miserable? People are ghosts. Is it impossible for Xingya to pursue Athena? People are gods. You still have a chance. You must be naked before Singles Day next year

Seventy nine, Singles Day is coming, do you want to "strip off" quickly? Hurry up and join our SMS relay activity to seduce girls. Just forward this message and shout "I want a daughter-in-law", your beauties will appear immediately, and hurry up!

80. The secret of getting rid of "light": take the initiative instead of being passive. Pay attention to waiting for the opportunity. You can be impulsive or ready to move. Don't hold your ground and make TA jump! Singles Day is coming. If you want to get rid of "light", you should take action.

81. What is "ldquo; 1 "? A: One. What is "11"? Answer: 11. What is "111"? Answer: 111. What is "1111"? Wrong? Singles Day! I wish you a happy holiday!