Sentimental Sentences of Leaving: Sentimental Quotations of Leaving (Selected 27 Sentences)
Sunflowers on trees
2023-05-22 17:34:28

1. If you want to go back to the past, try to let the story continue, at least not let you leave me. Although the story is broken, the time is still continuing.

2. Your leaving made me realize that you are so important in my heart.

3. The day you left, I decided not to cry. I held my eyes against the wind and tried not to blink... Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up.

4. After the parting of the clouds, the water has been flowing for ten years, and the laughter is as old as before.

5. No matter how good it is, it will still be lost. No matter how beautiful the memory is, it will still fade.

6. You left, but I will wait for you in situ.

7. Time can't measure the temperature of love. How much time do I have to spend to accept the fact that you left me.

8. The moment you left, everything lost its luster.

9. It is more desolate than a heart rending reunion that is warm and untouchable.

10. When we parted, we had no lingering tears, relative, speechless. Look at the setting sun shining through Wenfeng Tower and its afterglow on the bank of Xiqing River.

11. How painful was your heart when you left me.

12. After you left, I even smiled sadly.

13. Farewell, a little difficult, but not disappointed; A little regretful, but not pessimistic. Because the hope of meeting is comforting.

14. Separation, a little hard to part, but not happy; A little regretful, but not philosophical. Because the hope of meeting is soothing.

15. Leave not too sad, some feelings should be released.

16. I want to leave before we have an end, because the result is tragic.

17. Love and hate, love is happy, it is painful, the heart is completely broken, will not believe in love.

18. Don't be sad because of leaving, leaving is a necessary prelude to farewell.

19. Farewell is a kind of beauty, which can not be measured with eyes, and is forgotten by your galloping thoughts.

20. Saying or not saying is harm, and staying or not will leave.

21. Some words or not are hurt. Some people will leave if they stay or not. If I give up, it is not because I lost, but because I understand.

22. Although we met in a hurry, we have eternity in the short life course. I believe that today's friendship is the best memory of tomorrow.

23. If leaving is a kind of liberation, I would like to bear shackles all my life.

24. I thought we would love until the end, but the fate has already come to an end.

25. There are too many words to say when we are about to leave. Let's not forget me.

26. Although your departure will not change, I will stop here where you left me.

27. One day, I will let go of all my persistence and perseverance and live my own life.