The Old Man and the Sea
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2023-06-05 15:07:14

Recently, I read Hemingway's work The Old Man and the Sea. This book tells the story of an old fisherman who was fishing on the sea and fought against the strong winds, waves and sharks.

In a fishing village in Cuba, there lived an old man named Santiago. He had not caught fish for 85 days, and on the 86th day, the old man went to sea again. After a long time, it was almost dark, and the fishing line suddenly moved. The old man was delighted that a fish had finally taken the bait! He pulled the fishing line, but the hooked fish was too big for the old man to pull it. He fought with it all day and all night, but still could not pull it up. It began to rain in the sky, and his palms were bloody from the rough hemp rope, but he clenched his teeth and persevered in the storm. When I read this, I seemed to feel the pain of hemp rope cutting on my palm, and was deeply moved by the old man's perseverance.

The next day, the big fish showed its head. The old man was overjoyed that it was a big marlin bigger than a small boat! The old man saw the right moment and thrust the harpoon into the marlin's body. The marlin struggled for a while and then stopped moving. The old man tied the marlin to the side of the boat and prepared to return contentedly. I'm so happy for the old man!

But God's test of the old man is not over. On the way back, the old man met a group of sharks attracted by the smell of blood. Facing the attack of sharks, the old man fought back. The harpoon was taken away by the shark, so he tied the knife to the oar and continued to fight; When the knife broke, he used a stick; When the stick was lost, he used the rudder. Facing the seemingly endless attack of the sharks, the old man tried his best, but finally the marlin was eaten away by the crazy sharks, leaving only the hard head and bones. The old man was very disappointed, and I also felt sorry for him.

When we arrived at the fishing village, it was late at night, everyone was asleep, and the old man also went to bed. The next morning, people saw the marlin bones tied to the boat, and they were very surprised! They have never seen such a big fish in their life!

After reading this book, my mind could not be calm for a long time. The plot of the old man fighting with marlin, sharks and wind and waves on the rough sea always haunted my mind, which made me sigh for the old man's courage.

At the same time, a question arose in my heart. Why didn't Hemingway let the old man win the battle? Isn't this more in line with the tall image of a hero? After careful consideration, I found that although the old man seemed to have lost, he had won in spirit. With his strong, brave and never giving up heart, he actively faced difficulties in adversity, stood firm in the fierce storm, and bravely responded to the terrible sharks. It was his strong heart that made him stick to the end.

It is inevitable to encounter various difficulties in life. This is the most normal thing, as long as we actively face difficulties. For example, in the past, I was especially afraid of doing math problems, and thought that math was troublesome. It made people think big about the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equation pi, so every time I did math homework, I dragged my feet and was very reluctant. But after I read Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, I felt that I should not be intimidated by this little difficulty, so I stopped resisting doing math problems, and practiced hard every day. Gradually, math was no longer a boring and troublesome subject for me, and became more and more interesting. As a saying goes, difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, they will be weak. If you are weak, they will be strong!

Hemingway said that a person can be destroyed, but cannot be defeated. Being able to face difficulties, failures and even death calmly and always maintain human dignity is the real hero! This is the inspiration from The Old Man and the Sea.