Emotional Quotes of Classic Ancient Style (79 selected sentences)
Stepping on snow without trace
2023-01-26 19:06:28

1. Once upon a time, before flowers and under the moon. Today next year, the ends of the earth.

2. The wind and clouds in the world come out of our generation, and the time when we enter the Jianghu urges us; When the emperor is talking and laughing, he will be drunk in life.

3. The osmanthus falls at leisure, and the spring mountain is empty at night.

4. The hoary hair makes people grow old. Every night, the green hills fall asleep. It is you every night, and the green hills are also you.

5. The pear flower is silent, with a light touch of its beauty, gently drifting away and falling into the picture with the wind.

6. Do not love the worldly splendor, do not write about the disturbance of the world, do not sigh about the desolation of the world, do not make people feel sad, watch the flowers bloom, wait for the flowers to fall, be aware of their coldness and warmth, and be clean as before.

7. Who chased me on the Huangquan Road; Who is it? Keep my lifelong commitment on the Naihe Bridge.

8. A thousand years is still like a dream. The past is boundless, but it is still stranded in the wake of dreams, and the past is fast.

9. The sky is vast in the Han Dynasty, holding the bustling and sad, bending the eyebrows, destined to become the past.

10. There are thousands of people in the world, and I love you three times. The sun and the moon are the sun, the evening is the moon, and you are the day and night.

11. Oh, my life ambition, with the sword in my hand, I will defeat the world. One of the swords can prove all over the sky and all over the world, and the other side is empty.

12. It is said that people who are invulnerable to all kinds of poisons have been incurable.

13. Burn the smoke and scatter the vertical and horizontal ties; Listen to the string break, break the three thousand entanglement.

14. If a good man always tells his secret, he is still afraid of thinking evil in his dream.

15. The lights and stars, the voices of people, and the songs are endless.

16. Love you and me, all my thoughts.

17. Sima Xiangru lives in the Zuoqiao Bridge in the west of the state, and there is Qintai Maoling in the north. After many diseases, he still loves Zhuo Wenjun.

18. Use my fireworks to change your confusion. Use my three life exile to exchange your lifelong affection.

19. Your fate is determined by me, and you can only be destroyed by waving your hand.

20. If I were in your heart, what would the Smithsonian War Horse do. If you are in my heart, why not have three thousand enemies in love.

21. As long as the flowers are blooming and falling, the world will go on by itself.

22. I hope to win the hearts of the people, and the white heads will not leave each other.

23. Whether people know it or not, flowers bloom and snow melts in another autumn. Green silk has changed all over. Who knows how many times I look back in my life?

24. Wish to win the hearts of the people, and the white heads will not leave each other!

25. When I no longer have her, I will allow you to have simple meals and coarse tea.

26. An De and Jun Xiang refuse to teach life and death as lovesickness.

27. I will stay by your side all the time.

28. Affectionate since ancient times, it is easy to wake up from the origin of good dreams.

29. He smiled and destroyed himself in the loss of years.

30. Live a thousand lives with you without complaint or regret.

31. The good news is that the wind is warm and the sun is warm, but the bad news is that the wind is warm and the sun is warm. The curtain of falling flowers in the courtyard is not rolled, and the heartbroken grass is far away.

32. The world of mortals is ten thousand feet high, just for crossing you.

33. When you are green, smile and see your smiling face.

34. You can still drink tea quietly and break this scene.

35. I wish I could die of old age in the flower and wine room and would not bow before the horses and carriages.

36. Several sighs and joys and sorrows have made me laugh at my fate.

37. Mistakes become eternal hatred, and people who go back a hundred years.

38. If it were not you in this life, why should I worry about the green silk with white clothes.

39. Li Shanhe is not as ambitious as you.

40. One day, we have the power to kill all the people who are responsible for us.