Message of the Communist Youth League's 100 years of founding (79 sentences)
Know the world and not the world
2023-04-09 14:33:31
Complete sentences

1. Sprinkle passion and sweat, and dedicate youth and wisdom.

2. Educate the youth, welcome the grand event, display the grand plan and compose the splendid chapter.

3. Take the responsibility of the times bravely and devote the century old youth of the Communist Youth League.

4. Youth blooms in color, and volunteers to dedicate the charm of the centenary.

5. Keep pace with the times, blaze new trails and create new achievements for a century.

6. Based on a new starting point, seize new opportunities and wish the Communist Youth League a century of glory.

7. Youth Pingshan, wish the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League a brilliant moment, youth will move forever.

8. The times call on youth, and youth create the future. I wish the centenary of the Communist Youth League.

9. Let youth shine in the centennial dedication of the Communist Youth League and let society develop in harmony.

10. One hundred years, ups and downs, youth style still; Eternal in the annals of history.

11. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, may you be young and energetic, year after year.

12. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, we will carry forward the patriotism of the May 4th Movement and display the youth style of the times.

13. The times call on youth, and youth create the future. Let's join hands to wish the Communist Youth League a century of brilliant moments.

14. A strong youth makes a strong country. Now that the Communist Youth League is 100 years old, let's continue to write a new page of the Youth League flag with youth!

15. The youth of New China are happy Do you believe that the new generation of young people will be happier? We believe and firmly believe!

16. Do you believe that the youth of New China are happy, and the new generation is even happier? We believe and firmly believe!

17. The star red flag flies in the wind, and the Communist Youth League is the red sun in the heart. I wish the 100th anniversary youth of the Communist Youth League will be immortal.

18. The Communist Youth League continues to carry forward its 100th anniversary by working with one heart and one mind to serve the passionate Universiade and building a harmonious home.

19. Let's hold high the League flag and follow the Party, and make great achievements in youth dedication, because this is the most beautiful and wonderful appearance of youth.

20. Carry forward the past and open up the future, work hard, unite and lead the youth of the League members to strive for building a high-level university in our school!

21. When the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China comes, let's hold high the banner of the Communist Youth League and follow the Party, and devote our youth to our posts.

22. When the Communist Youth League of China is approaching for 100 years, they have already blossomed and taken root.

23. Hold high the banner of the Communist Youth League, follow the leadership of the Party and the Communist Youth League, work hard, and write our youth struggle history.

24. There is no right or wrong in life, only persistence after choice, no regret, and going on is right. As you walk, the flowers bloom.

25. The Chinese Communist Youth League has gone through 100 years of trials and hardships, breaking through the shackles of 100 years. Let's wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100 years.

26. The wind and rain are baptized, and the years will pass. When the spring is warm again, we ushered in the centenary of the Communist Youth League of China.

27. The May 4th Movement is a celebration of the centennial of the founding of the Communist Youth League! I wish the motherland more and more prosperity, and the Communist Youth League a happy 100 years old!

28. A strong youth will make a strong country. At the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League, we should not forge ahead with original determination and work together to write a better future.

The year was the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. The centennial history of the Youth League is a history of unremitting struggle of the youth under the leadership of the Party.

30. Struggle lights up life, and youth bursts into vitality. At the historic moment of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, let's work together to express the best youth.

31. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, in this new era full of individuality and publicity, we want to express the beautiful chapters of young people in the new era.

32. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, there must be countless more beautiful heroes like Lei Feng growing up under the banner of the Communist Youth League of China!

33. The establishment of the Communist Youth League of China for 100 years is a witness of history and a glorious moment. Let's be good young people in a new era and create a better tomorrow.

34. Youth is like the rising sun, the sunshine of the morning sun, and dreams fly. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, let's write a movement of life with youth!

35. The 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, let's meet the challenges of the new century, create a better future together, and continue to radiate the youth spirit of the Communist Youth League!

36. Be the protagonist of your own life, not the spectator of others' life. However, the significance of youth should be linked to the fate of the country, which must be great!

37. The 100 year history of the Communist Youth League of China contains countless achievements, and carries countless dreams and youth. Let's wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100th birthday!

38. The rising sun lights the future with life; The beauty of youth should have the courage to take over the mission given by history, shoulder it and move forward boldly.

39. On the 100th birthday of the Chinese Communist Youth League, as the youth of the new era, we undertake the mission given by history, shoulder the ideals of our ancestors, and strive to move forward.

40. You are the proud child of communism and the ideological mentor of our youth. After 100 years of hard work, let's share some for you!

41. We are the sea of flowers in May and the rising sun. We embrace the era with youth and light the future with life. Let's wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100th anniversary!

42. Young people are ambitious, the country is hopeful, and we are witnesses of the great moment on the 100 year journey. How can we not be proud of it and firmly choose to go forward for it!

43. The glory of time has brought us a grand gift - the Communist Youth League for 100 years. It is a great honor for us to witness this great moment together.

44. The Communist Youth League and the Party have worked together for 100 years. Let the banner of the Communist Youth League guide us forward and let the Party's sunshine Portuguese grow. I wish the Communist Youth League and the country better and better.

45. The Communist Youth League is the Party's assistant, and the bright red flag is the hope of young people. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, let's speak loudly about the Communist Youth League, happy at the age of 100!

46. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, under the banner of the Communist Youth League, we are determined to swear that I remember it clearly. On this special day, let's continue to add more colorful colors to youth!

47. Youth is a flag. It calls us forward bravely. In the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, let's carry the spirit of our ancestors and continue to write a brilliant page for the Communist Youth League

48. What is youth? That is to be proud and proud, and never forget the mission of our shoulders. The Communist Youth League of China has hundreds of years to go, and we need young people to carry on from generation to generation.

49. Youth is a dazzling link, a bud to be released, and a fresh blood. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League, let's wish the Communist Youth League a happy holiday!

50. Happy 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China! Youth is the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. In this special day, we should work hard to continue to write a bright page for the league.

51. The spring breeze of the new century has set off the waves of our feelings - rippling between mountains and rivers. The 100 year journey of the Communist Youth League of China, like the flowers in May, has bloomed!

52. In the centennial of the founding of the Communist Youth League, history has shone a brilliant light. I wish our group more and more success, the future more and more bright, and the people's beautiful life will continue forever.

53. Young people are the sun at seven or eight o'clock in the morning. Young people have high morale to realize their dreams. On the occasion of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League, I wish you to summon the strength of youth, work hard and be stronger!

54. The flowering season in May brings us the best gift - the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. At this historic moment, let's work hard together to create a better future.

55. In the glorious course of 100 years, the Communist Youth League has provided a large number of young cadres for the cause of the Party. On the occasion of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, I wish you all the best and strive to create your own future.

56. There is a day called sharing weal and woe; There is a kind of emotion, that is, sharing happiness with the people; There is a pursuit, that is, the country is rich and the people are strong; There is a festival called the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League. Wish all the members a happy holiday!

57. Someone will always ask me, do young people do everything? What about fearless? Yes, we must be fearless, not afraid of sacrifice, and be energetic, because we are young people!

58. The east is red, the sun rises, and the spring breeze brings a new era; Struggle year after year to lead the people to stand up; The hope exhibition of reform and opening up, singing and dancing, wishes for a prosperous age; The centennial blessing of Jiantuan, happiness is waiting for tomorrow!

59. Under the banner of the Communist Youth League, we raised our fists and swore excitedly: "resolutely support the leadership of the Communist Party of China... fight for the cause of communism..." Let our youth shine in the struggle.

60. The red flag represents the direction of progress and endless hope. It is our guide and our light. The future will be bright. Hello, the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China!

61. Think of the hardships of building the regiment in the future, and make thousands of turns; Reviewing the tragedy of the War of Resistance against Japan, we are mindful of it; Remembering the bravery of the reform, the blood is boiling; Look forward to the prosperity of the economy and be high spirited; To count the romance of the characters, look at the present!

62. The clarion call wakes up the sleeping lion. May 5, 1922, is a day that will be remembered by history. Since then, you have always been busy in the booming China. I wish the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League.

63. The history of blood and fire, the baptism of wind and rain let us grow rapidly; Little by little, let us witness the great arrival. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League, let's pray together for a more brilliant future.

64. The lion roars at the awakening of the Chinese people, the Chinese ancestors wash the disgrace, the dragon soars in Jiuzhou, the glory of the party shines in China, the spring breeze is warm, the party flag flies, the country is prosperous and strong, and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League wishes the motherland more powerful and prosperous!

65. Today is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League. I would like to send my best wishes to you in the spirit of the festival. I wish you a smooth life, sweet love and smooth career. In short, I wish you all the best!

66. Youth is a dazzling halo. This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the league. In the past 100 years, people have felt that the road to pursue dreams has never been smooth, but as long as we work hard, we will always reach the other side of the ideal.

67. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, sing the praises of the Party; The Party's policies are sound and numerous, and the society is stable and the people are at ease; Reform and opening up promote prosperity, democracy and legal system go ahead; The people of the whole country wish the cause of the Party more brilliant!

68. When we are walking through the peaks of time and the clouds of history, the Communist Youth League of China has gone through 100 years of ups and downs. I am lucky to be able to witness this great moment in my lifetime. I would like to burn my youth and become a member of it.

69. When we look back on the 100 year history of the Communist Youth League of China, our hearts will be filled with waves like the sea. I remember what it looked like, but now it has become a towering tree and a belief of young people.

70. For the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, we will present you with one center and two basic points: friendship building as the center. Adhere to the principle of long live friendship and treat each other sincerely. Strive for our healthy, rich and happy life goal! Happy Jiantuan Day!

71. The saffron shines on the blue sea, and the flame reflects the brilliance. Take on the social burden, and teach deeply to remember. Vigorous youth like the tide, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains covered with beautiful scenery. Jiantuan Day sends this blessing to the organization for a happy birthday!

72. We are the successors of the new era. We are ambitious young people. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, we inherit the ideals that have not been realized by our predecessors. We work hard to achieve the cause of reunification and return of the motherland.

73. The history of trials and hardships, 100 years of hard work, your wisdom, your excellence, your firmness, your faith, let socialism take root in China, let the people live a prosperous life, build a reunion day, and bless forever.

74. Raise the scythe of happiness to cut a successful sky for you; Raise the axe of peace to cut a happy road for you. Red July, red season, red wish, red blessing, wish you a happy 100th anniversary.

75. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, may the future of the motherland be bright! Recalling the eventful years in the past, the leaders of the Youth League should not forget that the people are rich and the country is strong today; Singing sounds and friendship are long, dancing steps are graceful, gongs and drums are noisy, and the whole world is celebrating together. I wish the Communist Youth League will be glorious forever!

76. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League, I want to say to you: if you are in trouble, I will stand in your way, if you are in financial trouble, I will pick up the pawn for you, if you are in great financial trouble, I will cut your crotch for you, because we are close friends!

In 77, under the direct leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Youth League of China was founded. The pace of youth confirms our ideals. Today is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League. May you be young, energetic, and strive hard to realize your ideals!

78. What is youth? Have vitality? Enthusiastic? No, youth should dare to rush ahead, remember the past history, use unswerving steps to kill all unfair treatment, defend the interests of the motherland, and understand the well-being of the people. Maybe this is youth.

79. What is youth? Have vitality? Enthusiastic? No, youth should dare to rush ahead and remember the past. History, with firm steps, strangle all unfair treatment, defend the interests of the motherland, understand the well-being of the people. Maybe this is youth.