50 proverbs about caring
Beautiful mood
2023-06-24 06:36:53
English Proverbs

1. If people are united, Mount Tai will move.

2. It's a piece of cake.

3. Everyone for me, I for everyone.

4. I will repay everyone!

5. Whenever there is an emergency, one should precede others.

6. A patient's illness worries others.

7. Flowers should be supported by leaves, while people should be helped by others.

8. As a gift of roses, one's hands are fragrant.

9. Give roses to others and leave a lingering fragrance in your hands.

10. When the road is not smooth, help with it.

11. If you don't agree with me on the road, please help me.

12. Dependent on each other, lips die and teeth grow cold.

13. When the wind is strong, it is cold. When there are many people, it is strong.

14. Caring, supporting the blue sky of the soul!

15. A goose feather sent from a thousand miles is a light gift.

16. Everyone gives love, and the world is better.

17. More people, more grain, more rice.

18. More people make Han Xin, more wisdom makes Kong Ming.

19. To care for others is to respect others.

20. Care for every day and everyone.

21. Love and happiness accompany the whole life.

22. Caring makes the world a better place.

23. The goose feather is sent thousands of miles away. The gift is light and the affection is heavy.

24. To be kind to others is to be kind to yourself.

25. Good things must be yielded to each other, and evil things must not be pushed aside.

26. To be tolerant of others is to be tolerant of yourself.

27. Help others to the end and send Buddhas to the west.

28. Be willing to help others at ordinary times, and help others in emergencies.

29. Straight trees have many uses, and straight people have many friends.

30. Although the lotus is good, it should also be supported by green leaves.

31. A gentleman respects others but belittles himself.

32. Help people to the end and save people to the end.

33. Distant water cannot quench the thirst of the near. A distant relative is better than a near neighbor.

34. Caring warms others and sublimates oneself.

35. If I help others, I can get help from others.

36. One friend, one road, one enemy, one wall.

37. Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small.

38. Help others more and create more happiness.

39. Forget about helping others, and remember when others help themselves.

40. If I ask others to be honest, I must be honest myself.

41. Those who respect others will always respect them, and those who love others will always love them.

42. Life is beautiful because of love, and the world is beautiful because of love.

43. People who have been doing good deeds for three years do not know it, and people who have done evil deeds have heard about it all the time.

44. A good word is warm in winter, while a bad word hurts in June.

45. One fence needs three stakes, and one hero needs three helpers.

46. Light a lamp for others to illuminate others and illuminate yourself.

47. If you want to spread sunshine to others, you must first have sunshine in your own heart.

48. If three people go together, there must be my teacher. Unite as one, the loess becomes gold.

49. When you learn, try to teach others; When you get it, try to give it.

50. If you are friendly to others, always think of others and always appear happy.