Perception of the Awakening Age
Reciprocating safety
2023-09-09 07:45:29
fifth grade

During the holiday, I watched The Age of Awakening.
Any props and scenes in The Age of Awakening reflect the characteristics of that era. When Mao Zedong appeared, he could see small merchants and peddlers, the poor beggars of Maohaizi, warlords riding horses to attack the people, and so on. Although it only appeared for a few seconds, it still restored the scene of the time. Each important person presents himself in a different way, either high spirited, honest and steady, or proud, creating a unique and sexy character. What impressed me most was the way Lu Xun appeared. He was on the stool, the warlord escorted a man from him to walk past me and to the place of criminal law. A group of people were talking about it. Lu Xun still did not look at it. The executioner's knife was bleeding. Some people rushed to the place of punishment with steamed buns and told the executioner that they needed to dip in some blood. After agreeing, he ran away with a steamed bun full of blood and said, "My son is saved". In such a chaotic scene, Lu Xun still sat calmly on his stool.
The plot of The Age of Awakening also has its moments of grounding. When Wang Mengzou and Chen Duxiu were eating instant boiled mutton, they met Guo Xingang and Bai Lan. The four people ate instant boiled mutton together. Chen Duxiu ignored the others' eyes and learned the way the coachman ate the meat just now. He put all the mutton into the pot, then poured the seasoning into the plate. After putting the cooked mutton into the plate, he ate it greedily, and said: "Painful and quick" When Li Dazhao came home, his wife laughed loudly when she caught the chicken.
When Gao Junman went to see Chen Yannian and Chen Xiunian, he brought steaming steamed stuffed buns and egg soup, which showed his love and concern for them. When Chen Yannian and Chen Xiunian saw someone else's wallet, they waited until the evening before waiting for the owner, which showed their kindness. When Cai Yuanpei became president of Peking University, he went to invite Chen Duxiu to serve as the head of liberal arts at Peking University three times, reflecting Cai Yuanpei's sincerity. When Jiang Dongxiu asked Hu Shi to watch his classmates perform a play, he didn't dare to leave because of his small feet 'fear of losing face to Hu Shi. When Hu Shi saw it, he took his wife to the seat and everyone applauded for them. It reflects Hu Shi's love for his wife, and also shows that people don't despise Jiang Dongxiu for her small feet.