2022 Warm words for the end of the epidemic (44 sentences)
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2023-07-02 22:31:53
Complete sentences

1. The sunshine is good recently, and spring is coming. I hope the epidemic will end soon!

2. The epidemic is merciless and there is love in the world. Stay together to fight the epidemic and wait for flowering.

3. Don't forget the original intention, remember the mission, and let the party flag fly high in the front line of the fight against epidemic.

4. Spring is full of flowers, and we pray that the epidemic will end soon. May the mountains and rivers be safe and the world safe!

5. The haze will pass, the epidemic situation will dissipate, and the light will certainly illuminate us again.

6. I just hope that the epidemic will end soon, and that we can all walk on the street without masks in the warm spring, and be prosperous together!

7. Mass prevention and control, joint prevention and control, and resolutely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control.

8. Save lives, protect health, and prevent and control the epidemic.

9. At an extraordinary time, I am very worried! I wish you all peace and hope the epidemic will end soon.

10. There are no onlookers in front of the epidemic, and no outsiders in the prevention and control of the epidemic.

11. May this epidemic, like this snow, soon turn into nothing and bring peace to the world.

12. At the moment of the epidemic, it's too uncomfortable to enjoy the holiday of more than a month in the foot ban. When will it end.

13. The epidemic situation is a test. Only by keeping watch and helping each other can we give a satisfactory answer.

14. The whole province mobilized the whole people to take action, and concentrated its efforts to win the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control.

15. During the epidemic, the people of the motherland worked together to fight the epidemic, wished the country peaceful and the people safe, and the epidemic situation disappeared early.

16. To prevent and control the epidemic situation, unite as one; Firm confidence and wait for flowers to bloom.

17. Before the epidemic, I realized that the most important thing for the rest of my life is to live! As long as the life is alive, there is nothing that can't get through.

18. Cooperate in epidemic prevention and control, which is related to the health of you, your family and the whole society.

19. An epidemic is a warning! Epidemics are orders! If there is a war, call back and win! Fellow soldiers! come on. x! come on.

20. In the face of the epidemic, I hope the cold winter is not cold, the warmth is still warm, the distance is very close, and you and I are safe.

21. Winter is coming to an end, and spring is also coming. We will also win in the fight to prevent and control the epidemic.

22. Ten thousand pieces of prevention, the first piece of mask! I wish the country peace and the people, the epidemic situation will disappear early, and I wish you all good health and safety!

23. When the epidemic is over, let's go to the seaside to watch the rising and falling tides and enjoy the spring flowers... Good morning!

24. They can't hug, they can only kiss across the glass. The epidemic has separated them from each other, but not from love.

25. Love is a bridge! Carry the weight forward! Salute the angel in white! I wish them an early victory over the epidemic and a safe return!

26. We will win the war against this epidemic soon, and everything will be fine for the rest of our lives.

27. May the epidemic stop! May everything turn out well! May there be no more pain in the world! May everyone be healthy and safe!

28. In the face of the epidemic, the most powerful sentence is: Come on, friends! In front of the epidemic, the warmest words: nothing, I am here!

29. We hope that the inflection point of the epidemic will come soon. The turning point of my life should come soon.

30. We wish the motherland and the people an early victory over the epidemic, and we look forward to the early realization of a healthy China for all in the future.

31. Epidemics are orders, prevention and control are responsibilities, and time is life.

32. I hope it will be better tomorrow and the epidemic will end earlier. I hope that the medical staff at the front line can reunite with their relatives as soon as possible. I hope all relatives are safe.

33. For the sake of your family and your own health, you must wear a mask when you really want to go out.

34. The whole people participated and worked together to fight the epidemic of COVID-19.

35. Pay tribute to the medical workers and people from all walks of life fighting against the epidemic!

36. Life is more important than Mount Tai. The epidemic situation is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. Unite to defeat the virus!

37. I hope the epidemic will pass quickly and you will return to your warm home as soon as possible.

38. When the epidemic is over and the flowers bloom in spring, you must meet someone who is worth it.

39. The whole province mobilized and the whole people took action to focus on winning the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control.

40. The first line of the fight against the epidemic, work silently and work hard. The beauticians in the city, come on, good morning!

41. We must adjust our mentality, face the epidemic actively, and the darkness will pass. We cannot lose.

42. The epidemic has seen all kinds of situations in life. Every day when I wake up, I feel that I am living in a disaster film, and I hope to have a good ending soon.

43. Once the calendar is turned over, it is another day. Even if it is missing, greetings are still given, with blessings, happiness and peace, merciless epidemic, and love in the world.

44. We are together to prevent and control the epidemic. May the mountains and rivers be safe and the world safe; May the flowers bloom in spring and the country be peaceful and the people be safe.