Template of impressions after reading the Snail Girl
The blue sky and white clouds
2023-11-21 03:48:16
reaction to a book or an article

After reading the book "Snail Girl", the book describes the characteristics of many characters, such as the industrious and enthusiastic Snail Girl, lazy Yu Lin, greedy three brothers, industrious and loving Leruo, and clever and clever Qiaogu.
The friendly and enthusiastic three sisters in law, the loving little golden bird, the tree fairy who loves the poor, and an old woman who is kind-hearted but doesn't know whether she is good or bad... My favorite story about Mi Fu painting the moon here is: there is a calligrapher and artist named Mi Fu living in the east of Qianqiu Bridge in Zhenjiang.
Mi Fu is very eccentric. He doesn't like to curry favor with others. He despises those who have power. Once, a man asked Mi Fu to draw a picture for him in order to curry favor with a high-ranking official of the dynasty. Mi Fu had promised to do it for more than three years, but he would not do it for him. From morning to noon, from noon to evening. Mi Fu didn't even take the pen. After a while, Mi Fu went into the room and came out five seconds later. He gave the person a picture and the person ran away after he got it.
On the Qianqiu Bridge, he opened the painting. Suddenly, something fell from the painting and fell into the water. The man only saw a moon sinking in the water. At that time, two moons suddenly appeared in the water. The man knew that Mi Fu had drawn a moon, and he hurried to catch it by boat, but he didn't catch it for three days and three nights. In fact, the painting was just a round inkstone. Mi Fu had expected that the man would see the painting on the bridge, so he asked the man to catch the moon in a bamboo basket.
I learned from this book that as long as there is hard work, there will be gains. Only by studying hard can we achieve unexpected results.