Reflections on Online Mom
Self floating forest
2023-06-20 23:01:03

After watching the movie "Network Mom", I felt very heavy, and when I saw some of the audience around me were crying, my heart was deeply touched!

The film Network Mother tells a true story, a moving story, and a story of selfless dedication of real characters in the virtual world! It enables people to realize the true meaning of life and the true love in the world in tears! So in the face of such films, we only applaud and cry

The fallen leaves are circling in the air, composing a music of gratitude, which is the gratitude of the big tree for nourishing its land; White clouds are floating in the blue sky, drawing moving pictures, which are the gratitude of white clouds to the blue sky that nurtured them. Because of gratitude, there will be a colorful society, sincere friendship, and the true meaning of life.

En is from the heart. As the saying goes, "Every drop of water will be rewarded by the spring." What's more, parents, relatives and friends pay for you is not just "a drop of water", but a vast ocean. If you hand over a cup of warm tea after your parents are tired, a card on their birthday, and a greeting and comfort when they are lost, they often devote their efforts and energy to us. How can we remember their birthdays, experience their fatigue, and detect the strands of silver and wrinkles. Gratitude needs your heart to understand and repay.

Thank your parents. Our parents are the first teachers in our life. From the moment we were born, our lives were filled with endless love and blessings from our parents. Maybe our parents can't give us a luxurious life, but they have given us the most precious gift - life.

Parents hold up a sky of love for their children. When you are injured, crying, depressed, or sad, you can come back here at any time to enjoy their love. This is their happiness. Thanksgiving parents, even if it is a trivial matter, as long as they can feel gratified, this is enough. I remember that CCTV once broadcast a moving advertisement: a boy with big eyes, laboriously carrying a basin of water, innocently said to his mother: Mom, wash your feet! Such an advertisement, even today, is still a popular public service advertisement, but it has touched countless people's hearts. The reason is not that the actors are popular, but that the true and pure love, the power of mother's example, has infected many lovers all over the world. Many people shed tears for him, not only for the lovely boy, but also for his deep love and heartfelt gratitude. Everyone can do such a thing, but they are unwilling to do it. Ask: "Where is our gratitude?"

Thank my parents for giving me the impetus to move forward; Thanksgiving parents, give me wings to fly; Thank my parents for pointing out the direction of my life; Thank my parents for giving me the insight to see the world... Parents are like red candles, melting the glacier of our hearts bit by bit, approaching our hearts, and keeping us away from loneliness. Her love for us is gentle and soft. Our parents, without gorgeous stage and flowers, like jasmine, exude refreshing fragrance. The love of parents, selfless, reveals ordinary, but implies some greatness. It is like a warm current, seeping into our hearts; Like a call to help our lonely hearts find their way home; Like a spring breeze, it warms us

After watching the movie, we have been moved and wept, which does not mean the end. It is necessary to drive more people to watch the movie, so as to view the network correctly and feel the love of family and mothers that we must keep in mind!

I was deeply touched by the spirit of "Internet Mom", who is constantly striving for self-improvement and never giving up. Her selfless dedication and noble behavior of spreading truth on the Internet deeply moved me. We should cherish the happy life now, understand that it is hard won, learn to self-reliance, strive to make progress, learn to be grateful for happiness, be willing to contribute, and live a decadent life, Say goodbye to the empty life addicted to the Internet

Today, I learned a lot! Especially let gratitude enter my heart!

Let gratitude enter our hearts! Because thanksgiving can dispel all the internal grievances, clean up all the dust in the world, thanksgiving is a way of singing, and thanksgiving is a great wisdom of life. Knowing how to be grateful, learning how to be grateful, everyone will have boundless happiness and happiness