Bless the newlyweds to get married. Love instead of getting married (75 sentences)
The confusion dissipates
2023-02-11 02:32:12
Blessing words

1. You are a deep blue sea, flowing into me, and my dreams are open. I can't wait for life to be dominated, and my heartbeat to have a new rhythm. You are my only color, and I am willing to hold your hand and grow old with you.

2. I don't know when I fell in love with you, but I just want to be you for the rest of my life.

3. You can choose to love me or not, and my choice is to love you or love you more.

4. No matter whether you live in the blue sky or in the rainy season, I will never leave you without turning around.

5. I will take good care of you and love you very much. My wife, I love you all my life.

6. I have no time to participate in your past, and I will accompany you to the end in your future.

7. You are the water that sustains my life.

8. I squinted and looked at you without turning my head. It was because I was afraid that my eyes would betray my heart.

9. When you ask me what kind of person I want to become, I really want to say that I want to become the person you like.

10. I don't know what you think of me when you look at me. If I were more beautiful, I wouldn't dodge.

11. The days with you are like yesterday and the past many years. Anyway, there will be no tomorrow if it is not today.

12. Even if we have white hair, you are still the treasure in my hand.

13. I have wasted time, even recklessly faced death, but because I fell in love with you, I began to yearn for a long life.

14. Precious things are always rare, so there is only one you in the world.

15. The greatest happiness in my life is knowing you, but the greatest misfortune is not having you. Maybe you will meet the person you love deeply, but you will not meet a second person who loves you like me.

16. You are the deepest feeling I can experience in my life!

17. I have always believed that there are only two feelings in the world, which can give people the courage to sing hard. One is parents to children, the other is to meet him.

18. I can't bear to bully people. How can I let others bully?

19. You are the most lovely one. You stole my heart and made me inseparable from you all my life. I really hope you will belong to me all my life and no one can take it away.

20. Can not extricate themselves, in addition to the turnips in other people's fields, there is my love for you.

21. Live a good life and love you slowly. No sooner or later, it's just you.

22. You are the sunset, you are the cloud hidden, you are the mountain habitat, you are the forest sleep, and I live in the night without seeing the sun, without seeing the clouds, and without the forest.

23. Today, I have finally realized my dream for many years, leading my favorite people into the holy marriage palace.

24. Love is when others worry about whether you will gain weight by eating too much, but I worry about whether you are full.

25. For such a long life, you are the one I want to treat gently!

26. My dream is to die with you.

27. I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.

28. The real wealth is not the number in the bank card, but the happy smile on your face.

29. There are trees and branches in the mountain, and I love you. My love for you is as firm as a mountain, as firm as a rock on the mountain. There is a root like a tree in a stone, and there is evidence like a branch on a tree. Honey, marry me, a reliable man!

30. The years are quiet. I really want to grow old with you in this way.

31. I want to ask you what time it is now, but I don't mean anything else. I just want to remind you that it's late and you should like me.

32. You know that I can't help approaching you, but I'm not half away.

33. I'm so unpromising. I always pretend not to care about you, but I always secretly watch your news.

34. Even if you are a cactus, I am willing to bear all the pain to hold you.

35. I want to be coquettish with you, hold you tight, and prove to you that no matter how harsh the world is, I prefer you!

36. The beautiful encounter with you is my sworn guardian in this life.

37. You met thousands of people, but none touched you. Then you met one person, and your life changed. I met you, and then my life changed!

38. Let's enjoy the future together. I am not afraid of anything with you.

39. Baby, your presence has turned my original life script from a vulgar life drama into a brilliant comedy. I will try my best to interpret more brilliant romantic plots.

40. If there is no feeling, don't give me the illusion. If there is no sincerity, don't disturb my heart.

41. Before I met you, I had no dream. After I met you, it became my dream to marry you and give you the best.

42. The world is so big, and the place I really want to stay is beside you.

43. I must be the first person to say I miss you today. If not, it doesn't matter. I miss you every day, one day.

44. Although I won't let you become the richest woman in the world, I will let you become the happiest woman in the world. I can't express my love for you in words, but I will express my love for you in lifelong actions!

45. In fact, I have already confessed to you, in every look at you.

46. One day you can go to my mind, and you will see that it is all your grief.

47. I can't promise you anything, but I can show up when you are hungry, make delicious food for you, and give you the warmest embrace.

48. Just pretend that the wind hasn't blown, you haven't been here, and I haven't loved you.

49. I just want to hide the tension when I accidentally touch your eyes, so I smile so happily.

50. I must like you, otherwise I will wait for your news.

51. Life depends on each other and we live together all our lives, regardless of poverty, wealth, health and disease. Love is you, life is you.

52. In the future, please give more advice.

53. I like you, but you don't know.

54. As long as you see your smile, the world will not be so bad.

55. You often ask me whether I miss you. Although I often calmly say that I want to, in fact, what appears in my mind is that the universe misses you invincibly.

56. I'm not indifferent. I just love people.

57. Say things insincerely, just for fear of ending up without a deadline.

58. Once you smile, I can be happy for several days, but once you cry, I will be sad for several years.

59. I like you just like beating you, unreasonable.

60. I watch my favorite person online every day, but I just don't take the initiative to speak.

61. Say, quit you, and say, remember you.

62. I used to think I was free. At least no one can subdue me in this life. After meeting you, I will give up both freedom and ambition. I only want you.

63. My greatest success is that you can make others envy you.

64. I am not afraid that he will not love me, but I am afraid that the person he loves is not a good person.

65. I am not a good talker, but I will use my practical actions to make you feel that I really love you, so I hope you can give me a chance to take care of you for a lifetime, and then slowly grow old together, OK?

66. The Eight Wastes of the Sea will last forever. I only like you.

67. On the way to the south, I visited the old dream many years ago. The past has come, but my old friend is no longer.

68. I always thought it was because you were not around when I could not see the light, felt cold, and felt sad. Later I realized that you were not around me at other times.

69. I hope I can accompany you to see the long and narrow flow. I hope I can soften your years, and I hope I can make you look naive all the time!

70. I miss that eye contact with her, even if it is very short, but I am satisfied.

71. No matter admit or not, that person never belonged to me.

72. How much you like a person depends on how far you imagine and his future.

73. Try to find a reason to convince yourself of this messy heart.

74. If I love you, I will love everything about you.

75. When you appear, everyone else looks just like that.