Life inspirational sentences expressing feelings (66 selected sentences)
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2023-06-18 13:57:57

1. You will never know how strong you are until one day you have no choice but to be strong.

2. No one can really live a life 100% independent of others. It is difficult to be truly independent, but at most it is just isolation, when people blindly reject dependence and want to be independent.

3. Our destiny is determined by our actions, not by our origins. Opportunities will never be equal, but the results may be equal.

4. Everything in life is not a coincidence. What you get comes from what you pay.

5. In fact, there is no problem that can not be overcome. Leave some time for yourself to recover. It's better to speak freely than to defeat yourself.

6. Say to yourself that you can cry when you are sad. You should look up and smile beautifully when your tears dry up.

7. People live in a state of mind. Once your state of mind has been adjusted, no matter how difficult it is in front of you, it will not frighten you; If you have a bad attitude, the temporary difficulties will be exaggerated subjectively and infinitely, and become an insurmountable gap.

8. I have a lot, however, the feelings born of her have swallowed everything; I have a lot, however, without her, I would feel everything turned into nothing.

9. You don't have to worry. God has his own plan. You just need to work hard, and then God will see your efforts in the crowd, and he will arrange something good for you.

10. Life doesn't require us to be the best, it only requires us to do our best.

11. We know that life is like this. Sometimes romance comes suddenly, as if to devote all one's life to this encounter; Sometimes people are flattered and surprised when they become famous overnight. Most of the time when we hide in the public, we can only accept adversity and enjoy the joy of opportunities.

12. No matter how difficult it is, we must persist, no matter how good we are, we must be indifferent, no matter how bad we are, we must be confident, and no matter how much we are, we must save.

13. The world is so big and there are hundreds of people in it. You can't ask everyone's three views to coincide with you. The only way is to make yourself stronger and psychologically invincible to protect you from being hurt by selfish and narrow-minded people.

14. The most unhappy people in the world are those who know too much but think too much.

15. We should work hard, not to move or show others, but to make ourselves able to jump out of the circle we hate at any time, and have the right to choose and live our lives in the way we like.

16. When you decide to be a happy person from now on, you also know that the first thing you should do is to be a strong person.

17. All who should come will come, and all who should go will go. Don't resist, don't detain, don't give up, and don't worry. Don't cling to the things that have passed away, because they don't belong to you.

18. Don't waste time on petty matters. A general has a sword and doesn't kill flies; There are always too many complicated people and things in life. There are many people who smile at you, but few people who really treat you well. We can't open our hearts and lungs to everyone, but we should have a clear conscience.

19. Everyone's choice is the best choice within their ability. Most people are slaves to the sense of security. When you feel that life is easy and your sense of achievement is exploding, it is likely that you just choose the basic difficulty.

20. I believe that life will not mistreat you. The pain you suffer, the fatigue you suffer, the pit you fall into, and the wrong path you take will create a unique, mature, strong and grateful you.

21. When you are tired and bitter, you should grit your teeth and stick to it, because there is a home behind you that needs you. All the difficulties are shouldered by oneself. This is responsibility.

22. Optimists forget complaining because they have smiles; Pessimistic people forget to laugh because they can only complain. Life, in the rough ahead; Harvest in busyness, experience in sadness and joy; Understand in pain; Choose between gains and losses; Be firm in the struggle!

23. You often talk about "dreams", but you are defeated by laziness that is unwilling to change; You yearn for a better life, but are unwilling to jump out of your comfort zone to strive for it.

24. When we are unhappy, we should talk less and sleep more. Only a warm quilt and a good dream at night can comfort us who are unhappy every day.

25. When you look down from the 20th floor, you can see all the beautiful scenery; But when you look down from the second floor, it's all rubbish... If people don't have height, they see all problems; If people have no pattern, they will see nothing!

26. What wakes up every day is not an alarm clock, but a great dream. It is not others that abandon every day, but immature oneself. Every day is not a long night, but a dawn.

27. An opportunity to know you, pay attention to you when meeting twice, date you three times, miss you seven times and eight times, 90% should like you, and I'm sure I love you.

28. The lazier a person is, the more things he will do tomorrow; The more diligent one is, the more good days tomorrow will be. The reason why you are tired of living lies in you: there is no immediate change in action but constant self reproach in psychology.

29. I am always careful, always in a measured way, always asking whether I can do it or not. I am afraid that I will hurt others unintentionally. I am afraid that I will not let others down if I do not handle it properly. But no one has asked me whether I am happy or not.

30. When you are not worthy of your ambition, please calm down and work hard. Don't let down the suffering you have suffered.

31. Life is sweet after tasting all kinds of flavors. Occasionally hidden sunshine will be warmer when it comes back; The complicated and confusing hopes are surprising when they appear. Keep an optimistic attitude. When you walk, the sky will light up and happiness will come.

32. The bitterness and sweetness of coffee do not lie in how to stir it, but in whether you put sugar; A period of pain is not how to forget, but whether you have the courage to start again.

33. You can't even control when to sleep, and you want to control your life; Your problem is that you know everything, but you are lazy.