Emotional Quotations on Sentimental Words (80 selected sentences)
Until the four seasons are missed
2023-04-01 22:58:43

1. Since then, we are strangers. You should be prepared.

2. I know you didn't lie, you just kindly advised me to leave.

3. If emotions can hibernate, then we won't get hurt again.

4. We are used to publicizing misfortune, afraid to admit how happy we are.

5. A sorry, cool how many people's hearts, a I love you, hurt how many people's feelings.

6. There are always people who are better looking, smarter and younger than you, but no one can replace you.

7. I suddenly looked back and saw only the sneer on your lips.

8. It turns out that the most heartbreaking love in the world is love without permission.

9. If the feelings are managed by one person, it would be sad.

10. Time is amber, tears are locked. No matter how immortal the love letter is, it will become an hourglass.

11. May time give me a chance to let you and myself go.

12. I like to magnify the pain many times, and keep aftertaste.

13. I can't enter your world. My future, you do not have to participate.

14. Where can someone like loneliness, but do not like disappointment.

15. For people like me who are afraid of trouble and pain, being single is more suitable for me.

16. Love needs ability. That ability is to let the person you love love you.

17. In fact, a person is very good. It's a little lonely without worries and obstacles.

18. Time is ticking away. Once the scenery is gone, it can't come back.

19. I want to know the difference between you and a lie.

20. I think I still haven't forgotten him. Sometimes tears still flow down.

21. Everyone in the world is lonely, but everyone's loneliness is different.

22. Lust and debauchery achieve men's ambition, and extravagance shows women's style.

23. I told all the lies, and you believe them all. Simple I love you, but you don't believe it.

24. What do you think is the most difficult thing in the world, to pick stars with bare hands or not to love?

25. If the world is too big, it still meets you. If the world is too small, it still loses you.

26. I think, change time, change place, change identity, forget everything and start again.

27. Today should be the last time I cry for you. There is no next time.