Childhood Reading Feelings
Just let it go
2023-09-13 03:43:47
fifth grade
reaction to a book or an article

When we end our childhood and move towards our adolescence, we will surely remember the good times of our childhood: going fishing with our father, going to the amusement park with our mother, and going to the streets and alleys with our brothers and sisters... But when we think about it with our hearts, there is a partner who is working hard and recalling the bad life in childhood. He is Gorky, Gorky is a famous Soviet writer. His Childhood is famous at home and abroad. It is an autobiographical novel with real life as its original
This book tells the life state of the child Aliosha from the age of three to ten. He lost his father when he was young, and his hardworking and kind mother had to send him to his grandfather's house to spend his childhood because she could not support him. Gorky had only been in school for three years. At the age of eleven, he went to society and began to live on his own. He worked as an apprentice, porter, night watchman, baker, etc. He was tortured by his grandfather and two uncles when he was young. Fortunately, his kind-hearted, intelligent and capable grandmother educated him to be an upright, brave and caring child. There is also the simple little Tsoka, the honest old worker Gregory, and the intellectuals dedicated to science "good things"... In Gorky's childhood, I also knew the corrupt social system of Russia at that time, the dark reality, and the selfish and ignorant smell of small citizens.
When I finished reading Gorky's childhood, I found that I was the bee that grew up in the honey pot. Since I was young, I didn't have to worry about life. The elders would pick honey for you, and the only thing I had to do was to eat the honey well, which I thought I was fed up with. Compared with our partners in poor mountainous areas, we are so happy. We now have such a good education, and parents and elders are behind us as our spiritual support, giving us the impetus to move forward. As long as we are down-to-earth, we are sure to stand out in front of everyone. Finally, I would like to say that childhood has passed, and we can recall it, but we should not always think about the past, but should look into the future, move towards the goal, go further, and create a better future.