Reflections on The Dream of New Education
2023-09-26 13:47:38
high school
reaction to a book or an article

In the winter vacation, I opened the Dream of New Education and read it carefully. My mood and thoughts were surging. With the education concept described in the book, I seemed to fly in a new world.
In the book, Mr. Zhu Yongxin, in a relaxed and fluent style, profoundly expounds the ideal moral education, intellectual education, physical education, aesthetic education and labor education from the aspects of humanities, real life and educational practice; It analyzes and summarizes the blind spots and defects in the current "five educations" with simple and popular language; With full and accurate data and vivid examples, it demonstrates the essence of the ideas of Chinese and foreign famous educators.
With infinite love for education, Mr. Zhu Yongxin made a detailed analysis and description of the five educational roles of teachers, principals, schools, students and parents with a scientific attitude. Position various educational roles in a sincere tone and put forward corresponding requirements.
Although Mr. Zhu Yongxin arranged the "five educations" and "five roles" in their respective chapters, they were elaborated in depth. However, we can still see that neither the "five educations" nor the "five roles" are isolated. They are inextricably linked, and can even be regarded as a "combination" of blending and blending. The blood of this "integration" is the educational thought of "people first, learner centered".
After objectively analyzing the reality and perplexity of the current education, Mr. Zhu Yongxin rationally criticized the drawbacks of the old ideas. It has built a new educational concept of the new era in an all-round and multi angle way, and has broken the city wall between "educators" and "educated".
The Dream of New Education does not preach in an empty way, nor does it have the kind of pretentious mystery. As a monograph on educational theory, it is extremely rare. What is more valuable is that Mr. Zhu Yongxin pondered the true meaning of education from some small things with a unique vision, and expressed it in a popular way, inspiring people to reflect.
A cursory reading of the whole book can show you the novel educational ideas. By reading the book carefully, we can understand the importance and necessity of educational research. Reading the whole book, you can also feel the great impact on the educational concept and feel the shock from the heart. After reviewing the whole book, we can clearly realize that successful education is life itself!
I don't know what kind of language can be used to praise this book. I feel that my praise can't express the beauty of the book's content and the profound significance in case. So, we have to stop here and ask readers to experience it! I hope that more readers will appreciate this book and get more gains.