Practical inspirational motto in 2023
Not afraid of long term
2023-05-11 07:28:09

1. No failure except giving up the attempt!

2. A great deception that can be completely successful can only happen between friends.

3. If you get the easy questions right, the difficult ones will become easier.

4. It is better to spend time explaining than to spend time proving.

5. Planting Chinese parasol trees attracted the phoenix. If you are in full bloom, butterflies will come! If you are wonderful, God will arrange it.

6. To be a high-quality talent and to be admitted to a high-level university.

7. If we compare success to climbing the sky, self-study is the ladder to success.

8. Pay attention to details when doing things, and pay attention to character when being a person.

9. I want to do more good deeds. To do good deeds is to make contributions.

10. When you have only one goal, the world will make way for you!

11. The first answer you get is not necessarily the best answer.

12. The road is long, so you should look at the distance without distraction.

13. The strength developed by a confident person is greater than 99 people who are only interested.

14. Don't envy others' achievements, just focus on the current efforts! Only by working hard can we achieve our dreams.

15. When people speak, common people give people money.

16. If a man is weak, he is his enemy; A brave man is his friend.

17. I have the right to tell you how you feel and what you want. You have the right to what you want.

18. I never tire of reading old books a hundred times, and I know it when I read them carefully. There is no end to learning.

19. Study conscientiously, conscientiously, diligently and thoughtfully.

20. More hope, less despair.

21. Sower with tears will reap with smiles.

22. There is no innate courage, only the confidence that is constantly cultivated.

23. If you don't get up three minutes early today, there will be no fragrance in the future.

24. The belief of success acts like an alarm clock in the human brain, which will wake you up when you need it.

25. I manage my own life.

26. Successful people do what others do not want to do, try to do what others dare to do, and do what others cannot do!

27. From morning to evening, ask yourself what you have done in a day? Maybe there are more touches to the next day.

28. Don't try to do the best, but try to do better.

29. Your love in a day may bring others a lifetime of gratitude with a positive life motto.

30. Zhibi is pure gold, and his heart is as firm as a stone. [China · Ming Dynasty novelist] Feng Menglong

31. Luck sometimes plays tricks on others. Why should you take it too seriously? Everyone comes and goes naked. Take gain and loss as a kind of life experience.

32. Of the easiest things in the world, procrastinating is the least laborious.

33. I'm not worried about finding a girl, but I'm worried that she can't find me.

34. The value of life lies in constantly surpassing oneself.

35. Hate the world of Fangfei. If the tourists don't enjoy it, they will give it to Yinghe and Yanhe.

36. Life is beautiful and sweet, which does not mean that life is smooth.

37. A journey of a thousand miles is a beginning. Details determine success or failure.

38. Young people may not know how to treat everything well; But when we understand, we are no longer young. Dragonflies stand in the small wild chrysanthemum, and the breeze teases the dandelion. Gently pick a bunch of bright sunshine and insert it in the dusk after the rain at the age of 18.