Reflections on Doctor Bethune
Blue lotus
2023-11-07 17:47:35
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

After learning the text "In Memory of Bethune", I was very curious about how a foreign doctor who was unfamiliar with his native place saved the lives of Chinese revolutionaries and moved China at that time. With a little doubt and a red heart in my hand, I walked into Dr. Bethune.
In order to help the Chinese people in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Bethune traveled thousands of miles to Yan'an, went to the front line in person and performed medical operations on the spot, saving the lives of many soldiers. However, during an operation, his finger was cut carelessly and infected. The rescue was ineffective, and he died unfortunately. His image will always live in the hearts of the people.
After watching the film, Bethune's noble spirit of internationalism and self sacrifice gave me infinite thoughts and feelings. Until now, I still remember clearly what he said - I am very happy here, and my only hope is to make more contributions. No matter in what era, doctors are always a quiet, ordinary and great group, which seems to have laid the tone of this film's simple, delicate and gentle. There is no war smoke, no tsunami, and you can still smell a strong red flavor from the rough yellowed picture, sonorous voice. Bethune, he always put the safety of patients first. He overworked every day and every night. He never rested until he finished the operation. Even when the enemy's guns were in front of him, he took it calmly and resolutely did the last operation before retreating. Ask himself, can you do it?
After watching this film, I think we should learn all kinds of knowledge now, and grow up to be a person who benefits the people like Bethune, a noble person, a pure person, and a person who breaks away from the low taste and benefits the people!