Feelings after reading good articles
Warm and waiting, still beautiful
2023-07-20 12:44:03

A good article
One day, it rained heavily. The little girl, who had gone a long way in search of her mother who had not returned, finally saw her mother in the rain clutching the rice cake: she opened her eyes and left her forever.
So, the cry accompanied by the rain, tears mixed with rain, grief writing strong. The little girl assured her mother to go with her silent words. Over and over again, The Heart of Gratitude finally closed her eyes:
"A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself... A grateful heart, thank fate, flowers bloom and fall, I will cherish the same..."
Gaze at this silent text for a long time, and sincerely move the soul that has been touched for a long time. This is the call of a little girl's heart. I have no doubt that it will also deeply touch the hearts of every reader.
Do you hear me? This is heart to heart communication, this is heart to heart touching. A girl who is aphasic uses silent language to let her mother go at ease. An orphan without parents, with grief and strong, let me live bravely! The thin rain seemed to be deeply moved by the little girl, and the relaxed rain line added tenderness.
Did you see that? The thin figure in the rainy night, the look of the mother and daughter separated by two worlds. My mother left, but my little daughter let my mother go at ease. In the rainy night, those small hands were waving ceaselessly. It was an orphan who was determined to stand up from the pain, writing strong.
Do you feel it? The pain of losing relatives makes people gouge out their hearts, and the strength to walk out of misfortune makes people look up to it. The unfortunate girl never gives up and dares to improve herself. Destiny is so unfair, but she smiled and sang "Thanksgiving Heart" with tears in her eyes. Thank you, thank the fate, to thank the misfortune to live out a capital of their own!
I heard, the silent truth, a wonderful child let mother go at ease.
I saw that the strong figure encouraged me to surpass the suffering and learn to be strong.
I feel, I feel the grateful heart. Be grateful for everything, no matter pain or bad luck, no matter how cruel, we should face it bravely with a smile. Pain and misfortune have taught me to be strong. Only when I am strong can I have the future calmly.
"... I come from chance, like a grain of dust. Who can see my vulnerability? Where do I come from, where do I love, and who will call me at the next moment? Although the world is wide, this road is hard to walk. I have seen all the ups and downs in the world..."
"Heart of Gratitude", silent is better than sound. I was not sure why this song and this story moved me so deeply. Now I gradually understand that it is a child who knows how to be grateful, and it is an ode to be strong in suffering.
Feelings after reading Confidence Makes You More Outstanding
A painter drew a sketch of the face of a beggar sitting on the roadside begging. At first, the beggar did not recognize that the confident, arrogant person on the paper was himself. When the painter pointed out to him, he was obviously shocked. After a while, he firmly told the painter: "If this is the person in your eyes, he must be the future me." Sure enough, he has achieved success in his career after reappearing several years later.
This is a short story published by Reader. It tells such a thought-provoking philosophy of life: self-confidence can make life more exciting!
The journey of life is already full of thorns. Whether you can reach the ideal highland depends on whether you have the courage to cross it. Of course, self-confidence is the most important component of courage. You may not think about how difficult the road ahead is, but believe that I can walk through it! Then muster up courage and stride forward; Instead of blushing and saying to yourself shyly, "I... I can't."
If you don't become the master of life, you will only become the servant of inferiority! He will lose his youth in frustration and jealousy. Believe in yourself, stride into the thorn bush! When you come out with many scars, the warm sunshine will spread all over your body, and every pore will feel the golden joy. Only those who have experienced hardship will understand how important confidence is to success. So please tell yourself loudly: "I can do it!"
In class, answer any question you have. Don't hesitate because you are afraid of possible mistakes. Don't worry about the ridicule of others, because only you are the giant standing talking! Others are just sitting and listening dwarfs. Believe in yourself: I can do it!
On the field, watch your classmates relax on the track, just like athletes. Don't shrink back. Who can walk at birth? Don't be afraid of the stage because you are afraid of "poor technology". Try bravely and practice more. Maybe in the near future, there will be another fast athlete on the track, and that will probably be you! Believe in yourself: I can do it!
Dennis? Wittler once said: "The attitude of a successful person contains many elements. But the most important thing is to have self-confidence." Friends, please hold up the light of confidence, which will guide you to find a bright future in the dark night.
A good article