Draw beautiful sentences of lovers
Understanding Heart
2023-06-21 09:04:27
Beautiful sentences

1. Miss you miss you so much, find a painter to draw you, stick you in a cup, drink water and kiss you every day.

2. The day when I met you is the beginning of our happiness in life, and falling in love with you is the happiness of my life!

3. I want to send my missing for you to the scattered stars; I hope the stars shine into your window and accompany you to sleep.

4. Unconsciously, our love has gone through the whole year, and we have experienced a lot in this year.

5. The sea is not dry and the stone is not rotten. My love, as long as you are happy, I will change everything with them.

6. I only love to lose my temper with you, because I subconsciously believe that you will not leave me. It turns out that mischief is a kind of dependence.

7. I only want you to accompany me and smile at me, I only want you to kiss me and tease me, I just don't give up.

8. Love is so wonderful. I began to believe that love at first sight is the light of love.

9. Let you walk through mountains and rivers, day and night, I firmly believe that you will never walk out of the wilderness in my heart.

10. I miss you when I am sad, just as I miss the sun in winter; I miss you when I am happy, just as I miss the shade of a tree in the scorching sun.

11. The sunrise in the East China Sea and the sunset in the West Mountain will lead to sorrow and joy; If you don't dig into the horns of an ox when encountering an accident, you will feel comfortable.

12. I miss you every day, I miss you every night, I dream about you, I look at you in my eyes, hold you in my hands, and I love you in my heart!

13. I want to hold your hand, go to a place called Forever, see the everlasting scenery, and taste the dry sea and crumbling rocks.

14. If someone misses me, it's like being embraced by the moonlight! You quietly live in my heart castle! We can rely on each other!

15. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.