Guidance on the writing method of the feeling after reading
A smart smile
2023-08-13 15:03:22

Guidance on the writing method of the feeling after reading

After reading a famous book, everyone must have a lot of experience in mind. At this time, it is necessary to carefully make records and write down the feelings after reading. Then can you write your impressions? The following is a guide to the writing method of the feelings after reading collected and sorted by the editor. Welcome to read and collect.

1、 The significance of the guidance of the writing method after reading

In our daily life, we read an article, a book, a poem... and then write down our feelings, experiences and experiences into words, which is the feeling after reading. The feeling after reading, as the name implies, requires "reading" before "feeling", which closely links reading and writing.

2、 The Structural Mode of the Reading Feelings

The feeling after reading can not be separated from "reading" - quotation, summary, evaluation, etc. of the original text, can not be separated from "feeling" - one's own feelings, views, opinions, and there should be a link between "reading" and "feeling". Therefore, the general structure mode of the reading impression can be shown as follows:

Narration (premise)

Sensation (demonstration)

Sensing point (bridge)

Knot feeling (sublimation)

In this structural mode, "feeling point" is the key. Without feeling point, the feeling after reading will lose its soul, so there is no "feeling after reading". In the whole article, the feeling point plays a role of bridge between "reading" and "feeling", and is the link of the whole structure. The "feeling point" continues the "narrative reading". The writing of feeling after reading must be "reading" first and then "feeling". Without "reading", there is no "feeling". "reading" is the premise and basis of "feeling", and "feeling" is the extension or result of "reading". The "feeling point" also leads the "hair feeling", which is the basis of hair feeling. The hair sensation must be discussed around the feeling point, and express their own views and feelings on the feeling point, focusing on discussion and highlighting the word "feeling". The "sense of knot" is the end result of the whole article and the sublimation point.

3、 The writing steps of the feeling after reading

This structural pattern is in the same line as the composition pattern of general argumentation, which is "citation - argumentation - association - combination".

Therefore, the "writing" of the review can be divided into the following four consecutive steps:

Step 1: Narrative reading - quotation

In general, the first part of the feeling after reading is to quote materials around the feeling points. This "feeling" is generated by specific "reading", "guiding" is the root of "feeling", and "feeling" is the purpose of "guiding". The so-called "quotation" refers to a targeted summary of the relevant content of the original text around the feeling points. The purpose of writing this part is to explain where the feelings come from and pave the way for the following discussion.

In the part of narration and reading, the original quotation should be concise, and the specific content of the books and articles read should not be described in large paragraphs. If you want to write an article about the feeling of reading A Dream of Red Mansions, and use 30000 or 50000 words to describe the story of A Dream of Red Mansions at the beginning, then how much space should be used to demonstrate the feeling? Therefore, for the reading of the original text, if the material is short, it can be quoted in full. If the length is long, it can only be a brief description of the part directly related to the feeling point, while the part irrelevant to the feeling point can only be reluctantly abandoned. "Narrative reading" materials should be concise, accurate and targeted, which is a rule of writing after reading.

Step 2: Sensation - discussion

By closely following the materials quoted in "Shudu", we can analyze the contents of the "quoted" on a case by case basis; We can also dig from phenomenon to essence, from individual to general; We should further analyze the material with deep meaning, and then naturally "light" our own feelings, that is, the central argument.

To put forward feeling points, there should be relevant reading materials. If this part of the material is not read, the feeling point is the water without source, which flows not far away; Feeling points can only be discussed in general. Therefore, no matter whether the narrative reading is before or after the feeling point, the existence of narrative reading is the first thing before the feeling point can be established. Many students tend to ignore this point. After reading the article, they do not read it, but only grasp the feeling point to argue. Such an article cannot be regarded as a "feeling after reading" in the complete sense.

Step 3: hair feeling - connection

"Sensation" is to demonstrate the "feeling point" - the central argument. This part is the main part of the feeling after reading. It is the elaboration of feeling points. It proves the correctness of feeling points by putting facts and reasoning, or proves the rationality of feeling points by positive and negative evidence. It needs to be emphasized that the facts presented and the truth explained should be developed around the feeling points, and should not be dissociated from the feeling points. Otherwise, you will be confused, write a thousand words, far from the topic.

Sensation should also be linked to reality and demonstrated in depth. In connection with reality, we can not only connect similar phenomena in real life from one place to another, but also connect various problems in real life from ancient times to the present, sometimes it can also be personal thoughts, words and deeds, and experiences. In connection with reality, to be targeted, we must focus on the feeling point, and cannot talk in general terms. We cannot make random association without feeling point.

Step 4: Knot feeling - Knot

The sense of knot is the conclusion of the full text, which can respond to the previous article and emphasize the sense points; You can also raise hopes and call for help. However, no matter how it ends, it should form an organic whole with the previous parts. It cannot be born out of nowhere; It should also be tied naturally and naturally.