Reflections on the Return Train
Try hard
2023-10-03 06:43:37
impressions of after reading

Before watching the film, I searched the profile. I was attracted at once, and felt that the story background in the movie was similar to that in my family. From this movie, I saw the shadow of myself and my parents. Maybe other students were moved and sympathized after watching the film, but I felt sad and helpless after watching it.
My father has been working outside for 20 years, and my mother also went out to work in the year when I was in the third grade of primary school. Until now, when I was a junior, I still worked in other places. Every year, I go home during the Spring Festival, but I will not stay at home for more than 20 days at most. My grandfather died the year I was born, so my brother and I have lived together with my grandmother for so many years. To tell the truth, I have no deep feelings for my parents. Although not as rebellious as the little girl in the movie, when I was in junior high school, I also complained from the bottom of my heart about why other people's parents could be around me, while I did not, that is, I gradually did not like telling my parents what was on my mind, and always suffered alone.
I think the girl in the movie may also be like this. She was absent from her parents when she was young, and did not understand how to communicate with them and how to express her feelings. Therefore, once she communicated, she would quarrel and even fight. I think I understand her. She just wants her parents to care more about themselves. When I was a child, I had the same attitude, but I didn't choose such a way as her. I think as long as I did well in the exam, I would be recognized by them, so they would care about me. So I have always worked hard from junior high school to senior high school. From ordinary class to competitive class, from hundreds of students to the top ten in the school, the driving force supporting my progress is to expect their recognition.
In fact, after watching this movie, I began to think about problems from the perspective of my parents, began to understand the difficulties of my parents, saw her parents' life in the movie, and thought of my parents' difficulties. They will certainly be like the parents in the movie, repeating boring work every day, worrying about buying train tickets every year, carrying bags of luggage to squeeze the train every year, leaving their hometown to work every year, and will also be unable to eat for a few days because of playing my children, They also worry about their children's learning and can't sleep all night.
I remember when I was young, every time my parents came home, they would look at us first. When they saw that we were growing taller and older, they would laugh and laugh. They would also be happy to give the newly bought mobile phone to my brother and me to play games.
I still remember one time when my brother was ill and had a fever in hospital. My father called and said that my mother was crying to take care of us. I was so worried that I could not eat or sleep.
In the film, the mother was worried about her little son's academic performance, so she had to go home to take care of him. I also had the same experience. In the half year of the college entrance examination, my mother wanted me to have a good learning environment. She rented a room near my high school to take care of me. In order to lighten his father's burden, his mother also found a part-time job nearby.
But until now, my relationship with my parents has not been very cordial. Every time I call my parents, I will not talk about family affairs like other students in the dormitory. I will tell them about my recent events. Every time I can't say a few words, I hang up the phone in a hurry, so I seldom call him. But I want to talk to them, but I don't know where to start.
Perhaps, this is the helplessness of left behind children.