Feelings of Health
regard with equanimity
2023-12-25 15:44:01
junior middle school

Feelings of Health
Summary of Life Health: In this book, Dr. Ray Stan lists the most cutting-edge medical evidence to help you have a healthy body. These healthy lifestyles can not only reduce weight, but also reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of heart disease and diabetes. In the past 10 years of medical practice, Dr. Ray Stan has been practicing the ideas he mentioned in this book. The patients who accepted his advice not only have a healthy body, but also avoid or reduce dependence on drugs
The feeling after reading Life Health comes from Amazon netizens: the book bought in the bookstore is even the same price as Dangdang, which is also 20% off! I bought this book by accident. I accidentally found it on the bookshelf. I felt that the views in the book were relatively fresh. I was embarrassed to read someone else's book in the bookstore. So I bought it at home to solve the problem of "three year old cold", how "to determine the health of children throughout their lives"? After reading the book, I think the point of this book is not to rush to medication when a child has a cold, but to focus on nutrition, stimulate the child's own immunity to fight against the virus, not to give drugs to children easily, especially not to use antibiotics casually. According to the book, children's cold medicines on the market can only alleviate symptoms; Cough medicine is more harmful to children's health, it is recommended not to use or use less; Abuse of antibiotics will have an impact on the health of children throughout their lives. Unless secondary infection occurs, do not take it... The correct way suggested in the book is to ensure adequate rest, drink more water, and not be tired when the child has a cold, fever, and cough, as long as it is not serious. The cold can be cured after a few days of rest. Even if the child has a fever, there is no need to worry, Do not use antipyretic drugs without permission when the temperature is less than 40 degrees. This is very different from the usage I know well. It turns out that as long as my daughter has a fever of more than 38.5 degrees, I will give her antipyretic drugs. This book has suddenly increased to 40 degrees. I don't dare to try with my own children. I prefer to choose a safe method. Children's colds are inevitable. It depends on the specific situation whether they take medicine or hold on. I am more supportive of the views of this book, especially not to abuse antibiotics, but how to do it should be mastered by yourself. As a mother, I hope to give my children the best choice or decision, but first of all, safety first, so I hope to exchange views and parenting experience with experienced mothers. The approach in the book is risky. I have tried it, but I didn't stick to it. It's a failure. My daughter insisted on not taking medicine for four or five days after she caught a cold, and I finally couldn't help using cold medicine and antibiotics in the sound of her daughter's increasingly tight cough... Anyway, this book gives me a new understanding of the treatment of colds, among which the idea of drinking more water and taking more rest is very correct, and I think this book is worth it
A lifetime of healthy reading experience, from the online friend of Jingdong Mall: I made a slimming exercise with the recommendation of a friend. On the premise of eating well, drinking well, sleeping well, and feeling good, I lost 12 kg in ten days (I was not fat at all, it was 110 kg at that time, that is, I had a Michelin tyre belly after giving birth. In addition, my body has become allergic to drugs due to overdraft, so I asked to stop half of the weight loss, because I was 40 years old and had reduced to 98 kg, too thin). After losing weight, I ate in accordance with the method taught by the teacher. Up to now, my weight is about 102 kg. I took the initiative to ask for a few pounds more. I can't be too thin when I get old. At that time, I was very curious and had been pondering over the principle here. Later, my friend said that the book "Life Health" told me the principle. After reading it, I realized that I was very confident. In addition, because of diabetes, my relatives also used the method of "lifelong health" to adjust. Now she not only stopped eating metformin, but also kept her blood sugar at 7 after meals. Her family was very happy. Seeing this, I bought 10 copies of "lifelong health" for my friends. In fact, health is very simple, that is, we have not studied systematically.
Feelings of Health