After the bloody battle in Xiangjiang River
Fan wind
2023-08-02 22:46:19
Junior two
impressions of after reading

Recently, I watched The Battle of the Xiangjiang River, and I felt a lot.
The Bloody Battle of the Xiangjiang River tells the story of the Red Army being forced to cross the Xiangjiang River and break through the four blockades of the enemy during the Long March after the defeat of the fifth anti encirclement and suppression war. In the film, the Red Army is on a dangerous road due to Li De and Bogu's serious left leaning mistakes. The Red Army Column finally crossed the Xiangjiang River under the protection of various Red Army regiments. Among them, the Red Army dragged the enemy to death at the foot of the maple tree, the 34 divisions of the Red Army were basically annihilated, the people took the initiative to give food to the Red Army, and one red army after another fell into the river of blood; The heroic resistance of Li Tianyou, the commander of the Fifth Red Division of the Red Army, and Chen Shuxiang, the commander of the Red Army, Mao Zedong gave medicine to the soldiers many times, Zhou Enlai ordered to abandon the baggage for forced crossing, the fourth Lin family resolutely joined the Red Army after learning that his father and brother were all killed in the war, and the Zunyi meeting were also exciting.
In this film, there are several characters worthy of attention. First, Li De, who was arrogant and didn't listen to others' suggestions, made many soldiers die of his wrong decisions, and left at the Zunyi meeting. He was a typical unrepentant person; Then came Mao Zedong, who clearly judged his own decision-making mistakes, dared to question the senior management, refused to use interpersonal relationships to seize power after being scolded, swallowed his anger, and used practical actions to minimize the losses. Finally, he peacefully cancelled the supreme command of Bogu and Li De at the Zunyi Meeting, and concentrated on correcting the left mistakes of Bogu and Li De in decision-making, Successfully and practically established the leading position of "the correct line of Marxism represented by Mao Zedong" in the CPC Central Committee, showing the wisdom, means and ideas that a leader should have; Then there was Peng Dehuai. Although he also knew that the high-level decision-making was wrong, he was eager to correct it immediately and could not bear it. There was a big gap between his means and brains and that of a leader, which also revealed his trust in Mao Zedong; Finally, Bogu, who was promising at a young age, became a member of the three member group, but blindly believed in Li De's decision, lacked his own ideas, and finally made a big mistake with Li De. However, he could correct his mistakes, listened to other people's opinions, and had several leadership styles.
In our daily life, how can we not encounter something too similar? Is there no time for our teachers, officers and supervisors to make mistakes? But can we really challenge them and organize correction? It is often impossible, and what Chairman Mao did is even less. From this film, I also understand that only when we have the courage to question, negotiate many times in a way that both sides can accept, and finally solve the problem, can we make the internal real harmony and make an organization more excellent.
This is my feeling. I hope you can watch this movie.