The latest famous book on optimism (60 selected sentences)
Listen to the wind and rain in the small building
2023-02-06 08:44:10
A complete list of famous sayings

1. I will not lock the door of my senses in the happiness brought to me by beautiful scenery, pleasant sounds and pungent fragrance—— Tagore's Commentary

2. All smiles show that he still has the courage and strength to live—— De Maoyong

3. Huge happiness bent my waist. He felt his limbs weak; In front of his victory, the man who had never been shaken by danger began to tremble—— Hugo, Marine Labor

4. Man conquers heaven by skill—— Qing Dynasty, Lin Hejing

5. Understand life and love it—— Roman Roland

6. If people are optimistic, everything has resistance, everything can resist, everything will strengthen resistance—— writing reformer

7. Those who sing loudly will frighten away disasters and misfortunes—— Spain

8. Wherever I go, I'm looking for happiness. I will never go anywhere to look for pain, because I was born a pleasure seeker. Only when pain finds my head will I suffer—— Dickens

9. Inner joy is the joy a person feels when living a healthy, normal and harmonious life—— Roman Roland

10. Always have confidence in everything. If you always think about "OK" and do something, you will have no courage if you first worry about "I'm afraid we can't do it"—— Gai Jiaotian

11. The so-called inner happiness is the happiness that a person feels when living a healthy, normal and harmonious life—— Roman Roland

12. The so-called happiness is to recognize a person's limit and be content with it—— Roman Roland

13. Only those who have interests and outstanding talents can help you make ideas, be careful and have a thorough vision—— Balzac's The Father of Duer

14. Laughter is sunshine, which can eliminate the winter color of people's faces—— Hugo's Les Miserables

15. A contented person can live a happy life—— Dickens' Old Antique Shop

16. True happiness is intrinsic and can only be found in the human mind—— Bremer

17. Heaven cannot judge people—— Qing · Hong Liangji

18. We should strive to make life better—— Tolstoy

19. Happiness does not exist in external factors, but is based on our attitude towards external factors. A person who is used to hard work cannot be unhappy—— Tolstoy's Childhood Youth

20. Our happiness can never depend on what we have gained or lost, but on how we are—— Roman Roland《

21. Grief can be managed by yourself; If you want to fully appreciate the taste of joy, you must have someone to share it with—— Mark Twain

22. A strong military is stronger than people, and people are stronger than nature—— Yizhou Book

23. Because the true happiness is to become completely objective, thus reflecting your own ambition—— Communication between Roland and Mason Bow

24. Life is short, but this can neither prevent us from enjoying the joy of life, nor make us glad that it is short because it is full of hardships—— Wovinag

25. We should not force all kinds of happiness, but only pursue noble happiness—— Democritus

26. Let the rain pour, there will always be sunny days—— Africa

27. Silence is the best way to express happiness. If I can tell how happy I am, then my happiness is limited—— Shakespeare

28. All harmony and balance, health and bodybuilding, success and happiness are generated and created by the upward psychology of optimism and hope—— Washington

29. It is still sunny behind the dark clouds—— Longfellow

30. I have never tasted a drop of happiness without poison in my life -- Gorky's The Life of Klim Samkin