Reflections on Miracle Stupid Child
Contentment is happiness
2023-06-24 19:08:38

What is life?

It is cloud, leisurely, or rising or falling cloud;

It is a mountain, standing proudly and towering into the clouds;

It is a river that flows to the sea day and night

Life is like a journey, in which everyone is a tired traveler, with a large section of spring and winter. You have your goal, but you dare not decide what the next destination is, "unexpected" or "reasonable"?

Once there was a little girl who wanted to be an actress when she was young. Mother sent her to the most famous local performance school. However, we soon received such a notice: "Every student in our school is an excellent actor, but we have never seen a student with such poor talent as your daughter, so we asked her to leave school." In this way, the little girl's initial dream was not only broken, but her heart and soul were also severely hit, but she did not give up. With the support of her mother, she joined a theater group. When others did not allow her to perform on the stage, she just followed the rehearsal. She rehearsed every performance of the theater group. Even if she did not have the opportunity to perform on the stage, she was happy about this. But fate could not let her achieve her wish. More than ten years later, she was unable to move one leg because of a disease. The dream of performing kept her from being defeated by disease. She kept exercising and rehearsing. She not only conquered her sick leg, but also successfully stepped on the stage for the first time at the age of 40; The second time, at Eisenhower's invitation, Elizabeth came to the scene; The third time, the fourth time

She is the actress Lucille Ball. How incredible her life is. When she was a child, no one would have expected that she would go on the stage and achieve such an achievement, and no one thought it reasonable for her to be an actress. Some people may think that her success is a miracle, but who can clearly know that such a "miracle" was born in how many hard rehearsals and painful mockery? Just like the steep mountains can't stop the turbulent river, the turbulent river can't stop her loneliness of marching against the wind; Just as the calm autumn cannot stop the cold wind, the cold wind cannot stop her from looking for the footprints of spring. It is her strong "big snow presses green pines, and the green pines are upright and straight" that has built her "miracle". It is her persistence of "letting the wind blow from the southeast to the northwest" that makes her success reasonable.

Life is strong in weakness, great in common;

Life is not only a blooming flower, but also a twisted root in the soil;

Life is to succeed in seemingly impossible things with indomitable tenacity.

Miracles in life, seemingly unexpected, are all reasonable.