Qq signature sad girl
Mature and steady
2023-07-01 03:04:14
Complete set of signatures

1. As expected, the lacrimal gland will be out of control when the heart is too sad

2. My love, you must, don't leave me

3. The more people I know, the more I like animals.

4. Time does not pass, but we.

5. I have put you on the tip of my heart, and I have regarded you as forever

6. You gave me hope and despair.

7. The sweet, sour, bitter, hot and salty are vividly reflected in love

8. Fade, scattered, tired, the original you?

9. Life is really short, and I really don't want to live in dispute.

10. I try hard, you are cold, you let break up like this.

11. I have a long way to go and a long way to say to you.

12. If you can't find the right person, you may be wrong yourself.

13. With the most languid posture, face the world in a trance.

14. Many people shoot with you, but few block bullets for you.

15. I don't care about your past, what I want is our future.

16. I hate the trick of indulging in lust and leaving without warning.

17. Only then did I find that comforting others could not comfort me in the end.

18. It's still sad to mention you, but it's not like before

19. Some people are doomed to miss the millennium if they miss one step.

20. Sunshine gives me the power to smile, just as you give me the power.

21. When the crowd is crowded, do you choose to leave me or still hold me tight.

22. Your swaying enthusiasm seems to me to be a pretence of obscenity

23. No matter how much I don't want to give up in my heart, I will not stop leaving.

24. The only patience I have for you is fading away, and my heart is cold

25. A devil, tormenting you by every means, makes you cry.

26. I love you but can't say, just like the white clouds in the sky, I can never touch them

27. If we didn't meet at the beginning, what would be the result. My heart is tired, and I feel hurt by you.

28. Almost all losses begin with fear of loss. Almost all gains begin with loss.