Haizi's Classic Poems
2023-04-29 20:06:21
Complete Poems

1. No night can make me sleep, no dawn can wake me up—— Tibet

2. The wind far away is farther away than the distance. My music sobs and my tears disappear—— September

3. On what bank, you are the loneliest. When you move into an empty house, you are the loneliest and light the candle—— Night Dear Friends

4. I was originally a peasant boy, and I should have been a young village teacher on the bank of the river where the fog receded—— The Seventh Poet Ye Saining

5. Cherish the village at dusk, cherish the village of rain, cloudless as my eternal sadness—— Village

6. It is always like this. Behind the wind is the wind, above the sky is the sky, and in front of the road is the road—— Four Sisters

7. Riding the phoenix of five thousand years and the dragon named "Ma" - I will fail, but the poem itself will win with the sun—— Motherland (or Dream as Horse)

8. In the past, we only told you how much fear we had in the wandering river of the dead—— Han Fei, River

9. I have suffered three times: vagrancy, love and survival; I have three kinds of happiness: poetry, throne and sun—— Night.

10. I ran through this empty street tonight - tomorrow, I will be a new man when I get up tomorrow. I want to be the child of the universe? Children of the 21st century? Squander my own youth—— Gaze at the North

11. Tonight I will not meet you. Tonight I met everything in the world, but I will not meet you—— Hawthorn Tree

12. Never mention the past, pain or happiness, life does not bring, death does not bring—— Autumn Dusk

13. Poet, you cannot repay the love between wheat and light—— Wheat Field and Poet/Inquiry

14. The place where the autumn wind blows cool, the place where I once kissed—— Birthday for B

15. I am the child of the night, silent in winter, devoted to death—— Poems of the Night, dedicated to the Daughter of the Dark

16. The spring water flows white. For whom does the flower open. It is always such a beautiful and wounded wheat, breathing fragrance, standing on the hill - Dawn (Part 2)

17. When we are sunburning on the grassland, do you drink the first kiss of happiness—— Happiness (or my daughter's name is Poland)

18. The wind blows from east to west, from north to south, ignoring the night and dawn. What do you mean by the dawn—— Spring, Ten Haizi

19. The wind far away is farther away than the distance, and my music sobs and tears are gone—— September

20. The door of clouds, please open it for the happy people, please open it for the happiness, and the sad eyes that have nowhere to hide on the hillside—— Poet Ye Saining II

21. When I stand in front of you painfully, you can't say I have nothing, you can't say I have nothing—— Reply