Senior 2 Robinson Crusoe's Journey - Sample Essay of Robinson Crusoe's Journey
A secluded valley
2023-11-12 16:07:37

Reading can give people happiness, reading can give people a sense of security, reading can enrich our lives, let us know more knowledge. In a word, "good reading, good reading, good reading", reading more good books can benefit us a lot. During the winter vacation, I read Robinson Crusoe written by the British novelist Defoe. The optimistic spirit of Robinson, the hero, is worth learning.

During a voyage, the ship on which the hero Robinson was riding was unfortunately hit by a storm, and the ship was flooded. Everyone else on the ship could not escape death, but Robinson survived luckily. In the face of the "desperate situation" in life, Robinson is unafraid and calm, and overcomes all kinds of difficulties in life with amazing perseverance and perseverance. In the desert island, he used his hardworking hands to create miracles, relying only on a few simple tools he had, he was self reliant and worked hard. As a result, the "desert island" has become an "oasis". The desolate island, which was originally uninhabited and lifeless, has become a vibrant world with birds singing and flowers fragrance under Robinson's hard struggle. Robinson looked at life optimistically, and through his efforts, he had his own beautiful home, castle, house and country villa.

Robinson saved a savage by chance. Because the day he saved the savage was Friday, Robinson named the savage "Friday". In the later days, "Friday" has always been Robinson's faithful servant and communication partner. Maybe it is a gift from heaven for Robinson to make such good friends. In fact, "Friday" does not always talk to Robinson at the beginning. It was only after Robinson rescued "Friday" that he taught him to communicate in language. It seems that Robinson also saved some other victims, including the father of Friday. After a long time, Robinson happened to see a British ship passing by the island. He helped the captain subdue the sailors who tried to rebel, so he was able to return to the long lost Britain and live a happy life.

After reading Robinson Crusoe, I deeply admire Robinson's courage and optimism. He has the courage to face difficulties and create miracles. I have learned that no matter how difficult the environment is, one should look at life optimistically and overcome difficulties with his perseverance.