40 sentences of word alignment
No pain, no gain.
2023-04-03 19:53:35
parallel sentences

1. A meteor brightens the night sky; A spring and stream converge into a river; A touch of dust has built a mountain; A little care, the soul is no longer lonely; Thank you for accompanying me all the way.

2. Life is a piece of sweet milk sugar. After tasting it, you will be very happy; Life is a cup of tea, which needs to be tasted slowly to understand its taste; Life is a sailing boat, which needs us to master with our hearts!

3. There is no 100% fairness in life, only absolute fairness. Don't compare with others. It's easy to be unfair when comparing with others. If you want to compare, you should compare your life from birth to death.

4. People need to walk with integrity under any conditions; People need to walk upright in any rough situation; People need to walk upright under any difficulties; No matter how hard it is, people should walk with integrity!

5. In his life, ten years are very short. All your life. Ten years is too long. He wanted to keep you innocent for ten years, but your innocence only remained for five years. Is all this worth it.

6. Listening can purify our hearts, improve our quality, give us many philosophies, and make us happy. Learn to listen and you will be respected.

7. New Year's Day is coming, I wish you a happy new year: wear new clothes, wear new hats, and take a bubble every day; A new image, a new mood, and everything in your heart will become successful; A new year, a new chapter, and career development!

8. Evil is a kind of cliff, a kind of trap, a double-edged knife, a mask of a coward, hiding his deep fear. Evil is an expression of panic.

9. Ten years ago, Zhang Qiling forgot himself. Ten years, I lost my innocence. Ten years later, Xie Yu burned his costumes. Ten years later, Qi Hei abandoned the sunshine. It turns out that time can really change their face.

10. Make friendship deeper in blessing, family warmer in caring, heart quieter in honesty, life more beautiful in simplicity, blessing better in greeting, and Spring Festival happier in blessing!

11. Persistence is perseverance, and persistence is the soul. Persistence is just like the nectar and beauty dew when tasting tea after hard work, which makes people intoxicated after excitement; Persistence is like a rainbow after rain, which makes people enjoy the benefits after countless storms.

12. If there is no failure in life, then life has no meaning; If there is no failure in life, no one can realize the joy of success; If there is no failure in life, everyone will become lazy.

13. The river in my hometown is so clear! Clear enough to see the sand and stones in the river; The river in my hometown is really green! Green as the green grassland; The river in my hometown is so quiet! It was so quiet that only when I saw the mountains in the distance could I know that the boat was walking.

14. As time goes by, there will always be constant greetings; When things change, there are always constant promises; The vicissitudes of life, friendship is forever; The sea is dry and the stone is crumbling. Blessings are given every day. Qingming Festival is coming again, I wish you happiness.

15. New Year is coming! The air is filled with all kinds of smells! There is a jubilant taste, a taste of smoke, a taste of New Year's Eve dinner, a taste of reunion and a taste of family.

16. Gratitude is the bee in the spring flowers, helping flowers pollinate; Gratitude is a fire in the long snow, lighting up your inner warmth; Gratitude is the melody of the four seasons. Touch your heart with the melody.

17. What is success? Success is the flower of tears. What is success? Success is a rainbow after a storm. Many people may ask what success is? Success is the sunshine after difficulties.

18. The trees in spring are the stage for flowers to choose beauty; The trees in summer are the classrooms where cicadas sing; The autumn trees are the cradles for fruits to sleep; The trees in winter are the playground where the wind races.

19. The beauty of the bridge is a sense of stability in the turbulent waves; The beauty of the bridge lies in the wisdom of our predecessors who have crossed thousands of years; The beauty of the bridge lies in the footprints clearly printed on his calm back.

20. Dream is a piece of sweet candy. After tasting it, you will be very beautiful; Dream is a cup of tea. You need to taste it gradually to understand its taste; Dream is a sailboat, we need to use our hearts to control it!

21. Appreciation is the driving force, which can bring people creative thinking; Appreciation is happiness, it can give people a happy mood; Appreciation is elegant, it can make people intoxicated and linger.

22. Singing can make you feel warm; Singing can make you rekindle the hope of life; Singing can make you see the hope of life; Singing can give you instant comfort.

23. Maternal love is a beam of sunshine, and everything you feel and think of is hot! Maternal love is an idyllic poem, leisurely and clean; Maternal love is a landscape painting, natural and fresh; Maternal love is a song, gentle and affectionate.

24. Everyone has his own youth, which is like a symphony playing the colorful life; Youth is like a script, which shows the colorful life; Youth is like life, let us flourish.

25. The spring scenery is good during the Qingming Festival. You can enjoy the spring scenery during the outing. You should forget about your busy work. Your troubles will disappear, and you will feel happy and lucky. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I wish peace and good luck.

26. Father is like a big tree, supporting the family; Father is like a sea, containing my mistakes; Father is like a whip, always pushing me forward. This is my father, ordinary and great!

27. Father love is a mountain, a warm sunshine, a breeze, a clear spring, a shelter from the wind and rain, a greeting and a cup of warm water.

28. Grandpa's face tells a thrilling story; Grandpa's old smile shows the life he has experienced; Grandpa's bleak figure depicts the accident he has encountered.

29. Paste Spring Festival couplets with peace throughout the year, write happiness stickers with peace and health, hang lanterns with happiness and beauty, and send sincere wishes. Today is the happy New Year's Eve. May your family be reunited and happy. Happy New Year's Eve!

30. The teacher is like a lamp, illuminating the way forward for students. The teacher is like a diligent gardener, cultivating many young trees that grow healthily. The teacher is like a candle, burning himself and illuminating others.

31. Teachers, hardworking gardeners, water the flowers of the motherland; The teacher, the self sacrificing person's red candle, burns oneself, illuminates the person; Teachers, soul engineers, build the pillars of the motherland and devote their precious youth.

32. Flowers bloom and fall, and how many warm stories are staged in them; As the water flows, how many warm stories are far away; How many people are you quietly warmed by in this dynamic day?

33. The candle lights the road ahead like a small flame. The candle is like a happy child, the shining flame is jumping happily. The candle dances gracefully in the wind like a little girl.

34. Chinese is like a beautiful landscape painting, which gives people endless aftertaste; Chinese is like a golden key, allowing people to open the door to knowledge; Chinese is like a beautiful melody, which makes people's troubles disappear immediately.

35. That is the golden ocean in October, that is the rich fragrance of October, that is the sweet honey wine in October, blossoming on the branches, reflecting the scorching sun, that is the spirit in the poet's writing, and that is the chapter of the moon palace legend.

36. The Yangtze River is our mother, who has nurtured children of all ethnic groups; The Yangtze River is the white-collar workers of the earth, decorating the sacred planet; The Yangtze River is the source of our earth, nourishing every piece of earth.

37. The wind walks on the water, leaving ripples; Camels walk across the desert, leaving deep footprints; Whistle pigeons fly across the sky, leaving a string of happy rhymes; Time passes through the woods, leaving rings of growth.

38. Teachers are the people you hate most when you go to school and love most after graduation; Teachers are the first to arrive at school every morning and the last to leave school every night; Teachers are real people who work 24 hours a day.

39. The golden sun is rising slowly. The morning light illuminates the dim earth, the sea line, and the birds flying freely in the vast universe... The morning light illuminates everyone's heart.

40. Love is the concern of "close seams before leaving, fear of returning late"; Love is the mind of "worrying about the world first, and being happy after the world"; Love is the dedication of "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently".