The latest inspirational quotes (100 selected sentences)
Man must rely on himself
2023-06-09 22:59:22
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Books are like medicines. Good reading can cure fools—— Liu Xiang

2. Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, always bright—— Xiao Chunv

3. A successful entrepreneur has three factors: vision, mind and strength—— Jack Ma

4. If a person does not know which end he is going to, then any wind is not tailwind—— Xia Yan

5. The reason why morality has such a noble and perfect reputation is that it is always accompanied by great sacrifice—— Kant

6. If a person is young and lonely, and completely absorbed in learning, he or she can't be self-sufficient but lives the most fulfilling life—— Eve Curie

7. Don't boast at all. If you are arrogant and complacent, you will overturn the car. If you look at many things in the past and present, you will become more modest and lose more extravagant—— Chen Yi

8. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth—— Leo Tolstoy

9. We should have perseverance, especially self-confidence. Our talent is used to do something. No matter how expensive, this kind of thing must be done—— Madame Curie

10. Human innovation is extremely difficult, so we regard the existing form as a sacred heritage—— Monsen

11. Young people should try their best to open their eyes and use their self determination to determine their own future—— Yun Daiying

12. Life is a hero, death is also a ghost male. So far, I think of Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong—— Li Qingzhao

13. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step—— Laozi

14. Your choice is to do or not to do, but if you don't do it, you will never have a chance—— Li Ka shing

15. Talent always grows through independent - spiritual activities—— Chernychevsky

16. If you don't like your current job, either quit or shut up—— Jack Ma

17. Having many good friends is better than having a lot of wealth—— Shakespeare

18. Success is caused by hard work, not by hope—— John Heskin

19. Revenge is not brave, but bearing is brave—— Shakespeare

20. Even though the road is full of twists and turns, we will march forward bravely; Even though there are thorns on the Shu Road, we will hang cloud sails!

21. A person's character is his patron saint—— Heraclitus

22. Powerful people and learned people are masters, and all others are guests—— Golgi

23. Empty your cup before filling it again. There is no room for perfection—— Bruce Lee

24. Worry about the world first and enjoy the happiness of the world later—— Fan Zhongyan

25. Raise your hand above your head, and you will find that your hand is always higher than your head. It means that doing things is more important than thinking about things. Do something!

26. If you don't want to waste your life in the world, you should study all your life—— Golgi

27. One of the main points of the cause is that personal joys and sorrows should not be emphasized for its sake—— Tagore

28. People's dreams will not end—— Marshall D. Teach

29. Without ambition, nothing can be achieved in the world—— sunny

After 30 years of hard work and a decisive victory, you will be happy. After years of hard work, June will determine the future and win a bright future.

31. Our most important principle is: Don't let people beat you down, and don't let things beat you down—— Madame Curie

32. My highest principle is that I will never yield to any difficulty—— Madame Curie

33. Everyone should have a lighted candle in his heart. Through our efforts, the flame will become bigger and brighter. The candle in our heart is our goal of unremitting struggle.

34. Let us wholeheartedly harvest every day of life, feel the beauty of life in ordinary days, and feel the joy of labor and the expectation of harvest in the cultivation.