One sentence simple good night Say good night to friends with pictures
A solo
2023-06-28 03:22:34
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1. It's better to rely on yourself than anyone else. The best way to keep fresh is to make continuous progress. The process of self shaping is painful, but we will eventually meet a better self! good night!

2. Life is cruel and true, it will not deceive you. good night.

3. People, every self transcendence, is the continuation of unlimited potential.

4. Those who dare not understand themselves, first of all, are unwilling to face their true selves. good night.

5. Life is a journey, everyone is on the way, everyone is unconsciously passing the scenery along the way.

6. The time that sneaks away has aged our faces, but enriched our lives. good night.

7. Believe in yourself, face up to every right and wrong, and seek development in peace in the Enlightenment Center is the best!

8. The only thing I can go back to is the memory in my heart. Yes, we can't go back, so we can only go forward. good night.

9. Forgive his past, enjoy his present and look forward to his future. good night.

10. I finally reached the age of envy when I was young, but I failed to become the envy of my childhood. good night!

11. Give up needless criticism and criticism, and you will become happy and positive, so that you will become the real master of your life. good night.

12. Speak less acerbic words and do less impulsive and capricious things. good night!

13. The real tenacity should be thorough when crying, cheerful when laughing, incisive when speaking, and not hesitant when doing. good night!

14. Everything that happens to you is no coincidence. What you gain depends on what you pay. good night!

15. The most important thing for adults to get along well is not to ask others for their own way of life. good night!

16. Accept the past and the present, and you will have the energy to pursue your future. Good night, cheer yourself on!

17. Don't give up what belongs to you; What has been lost is kept as memory. good night.

18. Don't wait until everything is ready to start. good night.

19. Even if you can't live with him. Like a person, does not mean monopoly, but tolerance. good night.

20. Most feared, strangers after deep friendship, pains after seriousness, utilization after trust, indifference after gentleness. good night!

21. What you want may not belong to you, but what you get may not be what you expect.

22. Don't be too picky about everything. Perfection is always elusive. good night.

23. There is nothing really perfect in the world. What you should do is to make your life better. good night.

24. No landscape. No fireworks. No trace. only

25. If we had not been in a state of chaos, we would never have understood what the so-called "happiness" was. good night.

26. The weather is cloudy and sunny, and people are blessed. Life responds to you as you see it. good night!

27. There are only two people who have 50 points instead of the other half. There are no two people who are completely suitable, only two hearts that accommodate each other. good night!

28. Since you are here in the world, you should take this journey carefully. Do your own destiny coordinates.

29. Growth means that even if you are sad and dying, you still go to class and work the next day. good night.

30. After all the trials and tribulations, one does not expect to be with anyone. good night!

31. In a word, learn to be casual, and casual can be tolerant.

32. Live a peaceful, calm and natural life. good night!

33. No one knows what happened to you, and no one cares what happened to you. good night.

34. Good looking bags are the same, and interesting souls are one in a million. good night!

35. In this world, there is no feeling that can go back. good night.

36. The most difficult thing for people is to "put it down". good night.

37. The moment you start to act is the closest to perfection, not the opposite. good night.

38. When it put too many difficulties in front of us, we had no choice but to break up. good night.

39. The sincerity you can get at once is often not too true. good night.

40. The road is still far away. You may cry, but you must go on and never stop. good night.

41. You know that happiness will knock on your door, but you can't wait until you are strong enough. good night.

42. If the heaven gives me a pair of wings, I should spread my wings and soar. What can I do with the dark clouds all over the sky? It is the sun that passes through.

43. Elegant life is a calm heart, a peaceful attitude, a simple way of living, which nourishes calm and tranquility. good night!

44. Don't waste a day. At least listen to a good song, read a good poem and see a good picture. Or, say a few words of understanding.

45. Learn to live alone, no matter whether someone loves you or not. Do well what you should do, with or without love.

46. We understand the great truth one by one, but it is some unreasonable small emotions that determine most of our emotions. good night!

47. Life is a pursuit of beautiful things one after another. good night.

48. The order of appearance is really important for everyone we meet in life. If many people meet at another time, they will have different outcomes.

49. The sign of a mature person is to learn to be cruel, independent, smiling, and discard feelings that are not worth it. good night!

50. Even if you really go back, you will find that everything has changed. good night.

51. Along the way, every season has its flaws, and every story has its hidden wounds.

52. A smile is a ray of spring breeze and sunshine.

53. There are many things in life, all of which are in your heart.

54. Gentlemen are comfortable with each other. good night.

55. Everything is like a dream, but after waking up, I think that I have been here before!

56. No matter how beautiful the oath is, it can't be compared to a heart integrated into life. No matter how many promises you make, you can't match the person who has always loved you. good night!

57. Four principles of life: no deliberate disguise in life, no excessive dependence in love, no rush to explain when listening, and no intentional offence when speaking. good night!

58. The indifferent attitude is the maturity of life.

59. The heart is simple, and people are as light as chrysanthemums. good night.