Classic funny sentences Super funny inspirational quotes (60 sentences)
Diamond Old Man
2023-05-28 11:22:39

1. In the past, I always liked her with a broad mind. In fact, it was nothing more than an airport!

2. Russia cannot create wealth, but it is possible to create firewood.

3. Human nature is good at the beginning. You fry cakes, I fry eggs.

4. Being single is very painful. Being single for a long time is even more painful. I saw a sow a few days ago, and I thought it was beautiful

5. From today on, as long as my friends have no money, they will talk to me. I can tell you how I spent my days without money.

6. Raise your head and smile, cover up the sadness in your heart.

7. The old can't beat the children, can't beat the women, can't beat the men to death.

8. Hell is good. Bad people soak in magma and tell cold jokes every day.

9. It's really annoying to work every day. I advise you to work hard and try to get started as soon as possible. You can earn money steadily and make your family safe in big cities.

10. Seeing you, I'm afraid of getting an electric shock; Can't see you, I need to recharge; Without you, I would cut off the electricity.

11. If you still love me, pigs will climb trees!

12. Who says that the smile is the most beautiful, but there is a hidden sword in the smile?

13. The whole person is much more energetic since he got mental illness.

14. Brother smokes because it hurts the lungs and is not sad.

15. Adolescence has passed, but acne has remained.

16. You have finally challenged my limit, so I have to kick you

17. Now mobile phones are used as computers, computers as televisions, and televisions as furnishings!

18. If the performance can rise as fast as the house price, then how lovely the world should be.

19. No urination or defecation is allowed here. Violators will have their tools confiscated.

20. You are too dark. I'm sorry to call you an idiot.

21. Why don't you have an arranged marriage in the evil new society?

22. I was harassed by the wind, my hair and my clothes.

23. I love you from the bottom of my heart. It's a big adventure to tell you.

24. As long as people are separated, no matter how familiar they are, they will gradually become estranged.

25. Although I was poor before, I was happy, but now it is different. Now I am not only poor but also unhappy.

26. Destiny is like rape. If you can't resist, you will learn to enjoy it.

27. You can't buckle down after slapping on the wall.

28. The road to success is always under construction.

29. The examination room is like a battlefield. Either you die or I die.

30. God, give me a way out! Why do you always make trouble for me.

31. My phone number is 10086. You are welcome to call.

32. I am a flash bullet, which will flash your eyes one day.

33. Some people are alive, but they are dead; Some people are dead. It's already dead

34. The more people like you, the more childish they will be.

35. White lie: it is to find a good excuse for your deception.

36. You must study hard. Don't rely on your face every day like me.

37. Looking back, the man is the father of the child.

38. I don't know Wu Bai, but I know his brother 250.

39. Life is like an electrocardiogram. If you want to be smooth without ups and downs, unless you die.

40. Do you know that the lightning is 5 meters in diameter?

41. In spring, you planted a girlfriend in the back mountain, and in autumn, you became a green hat all over the mountains!

42. I like to see you dislike me and can't kill me.

43. Why does the news network always broadcast the clips of them picking up their scripts after the performance? A: To tell you, we brag is a draft.

44. Format yourself just to delete you.

45. When the nurse saw a patient drinking in the ward, she went over to him and said in a low voice, "Be kind!"! The patient smiled and said, "Little baby.".

46. I said to my deskmate: My deskmate is a pig! She shouted: Your deskmate is the pig!

47. When God closes a door for you, he will always leave many unlocked phone numbers on the wall for you.

48. Please don't use your second mouth to seduce my third leg.

49. I am very ugly, but I am very ugly, so I am very ugly.

50. When happiness knocks on the door, I'm afraid I'm not at home, so I've always been very homestead.

51. Nothing, just suddenly miss you. This is just a moment when I think of you. In this year of overflowing emotions, I just say that I like you. I miss you

52. There are only two kinds of people who suffer from insomnia: one is holding a mobile phone in his hand, and the other is having a theater in his head.

53. Don't set your bank card password as your girlfriend's birthday, or you will always have more trouble.

54. Whether others are willing to make contributions for you is their mentality. You can't ask for feedback immediately because of what you have done. It's a kind of greed.

55. Turning your face is faster than turning a book. I also understand that what hurts is that you should not turn it around.

56. Summer is bad. When I was poor, I could not even drink the northwest wind.

57. Hearing the school bell, a large crowd of children rushed out of the classroom.

58. When my mother was young, she told me not to be a no three no four person, so now I am very poor.

59. I bought a one inch monitor to make my mistakes look smaller!

60. I wanted to turn over a salted fish in this issue, but I didn't know it was completely stuck