After reading three dozen Baigujing
2023-11-22 02:43:17
reaction to a book or an article

"Three Attacks on Baigujing" is a story in the novel "Journey to the West".
It is said that Baigujing wanted to eat the meat of Tang Monk, and became a girl, an old woman, and an old man one after another, and came to Tang Monk's disciples to cheat. Sun Sikong recognized it with hot eyes, and beat her to death. Tang Monk had just missed the "Tight Hoop Curse", and Wukong asked Tang Monk to look at the dead bone, which was written with "Lady White Bones", while Pig Bajie said to coax himself and let Sun Wukong go back.
I think: this Tang Monk has no flaming eyes and does not distinguish between true and false. He always blames Sun Wukong. This time, it was good that Tang Monk was not captured. I think Tang Monk should believe what Sun Wukong said. If I were next to Tang Monk, I would say to him, "Tang Monk, don't blame Sun Wukong, because he has two hot eyes and can be recognized by goblins pretending to be adults. You can rest assured that you should not always be blind to Wukong. Otherwise, you will not only not get the scripture, but also disappear in the world forever; if you believe in Wukong, you will get the scripture earlier."
I think we must trust the words of smart people because they have rich experience. As long as you learn his skills, you will not lose everything because of small things, but kill two birds with one stone, and you will be confident in everything.
After reading "Three Beats of Baigujing", I deeply understand that we should believe what celebrities say, so that you won't be penny wise and pound foolish, and you will know everything well.
After reading three dozen Baigujing