Thoughts on the Awakening Age
Red cherry
2023-09-16 00:46:41
Junior 1
impressions of after reading

Recently, I watched the TV drama "The Age of Awakening", which made me feel a lot. Under the rule of the Northern Warlords, the newly born Republic of China soon fell into political chaos.
Some advanced intellectuals are unwilling to sink, and they are bent on saving the country. After painful reflection, they realize that only the reform of the political system is not enough to save China. They must inspire the new ethical consciousness of the people, cultivate their independent personality, thoroughly clean up the poison of the old feudal culture, and carry out an innovation movement in the field of ideology and culture, Only in this way can the Chinese people's minds be emancipated unprecedentedly, can modern science be promoted in China, the old China be completely eradicated, and the new China be built.
"South Chen, North Li, Meet to Build the Party" is a popular story in the history of the Communist Party of China. So how did "Nan Chen" and "Bei Li" know each other and come together? What problems did they talk about in their first encounter? At the beginning of the play, Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao get to know each other. In the first few episodes, Chen Duxiu, played by Yu Hewei, left a deep impression.
There is passion without overexertion, and there is momentum without bravado. It not only shows the profound thought and surging passion of advanced intellectuals, but also shows the helplessness of ordinary people. The characters are portrayed with temperature and emotion, which seems very appealing. Watching The Age of Awakening is like watching history, with a strong sense of time and pictures. The plot clearly outlines people's daily life and spiritual outlook at that time. The portrayal of characters in the play is very vivid and vivid. Once they appear, they are often awe inspiring. It is impossible to tell who is the main character.
There are stories, thoughts, reality, ideals, feelings and education. It shows the moral character of the cultural people of that era, and is the responsibility of all the people in the world. They braved difficulties and obstacles, courageously pursued the truth, and actively participated in the reform movement with their own blood and ideals, which is really admirable. Our good life now is the result of countless revolutionary martyrs' blood and lives. Therefore, we must cherish that if there were no revolutionary ancestors, there would be no new era of us. As the youth of the new era, we should cherish the present, work hard, explore actively, study hard, strive to be the pillars of the country, and contribute our own strength to the construction and development of the country.