What to say to new colleagues
simple but elegant
2023-02-02 14:04:25
Complete sentences

1. Life can not be stopped, can not be controlled carefully.

2. If you work hard today, who can compete with you someday.

3. A room with many doors generates wind, and a life with many words brings disaster.

4. Knowledge without time is only half an able person.

5. Even if you climb the road you choose, you will still walk.

6. If you want to achieve great things, you must act in addition to dreams.

7. Diligence in industry, lack of fun; What is done in thought is destroyed in folly.

8. Leisure: The time you spend on unpaid work.

9. If you believe that you are the best, then you are the smartest.

10. The first step to success is to dare to be different from others.

11. Someone told me. Love is meant to give, not to get.

12. The true is the most sincere. It can't move people without sincerity.

13. The most beautiful love doesn't have to fight for the sky, but looks at each other without saying anything.

14. In order to make myself promising in the future, I am willing to face any challenge.

15. Some things think too far, so that we can be calm and happy.

16. The surest way to avoid failure is to make up your mind to succeed.

17. Life can not be fantasy, with a goal to be down-to-earth to complete.

18. The only way to get friends is to take the initiative to be friends with others.

19. Don't ask what others have done for you, ask what you have done for others.

20. If you want to get it, don't just expect it. Life is too short to wait.

21. We are not waiting for the future, we are creating the future, refueling, and striving hard.

22. When you were born, you cried and they all laughed; When you leave, you laugh and they all cry.

23. Cowards have died many times before they died; A warrior dies only once in his life.

24. Don't take each relationship too seriously so as not to hurt yourself.

25. Youth with dreams, no complaints! Struggling youth, no regrets! No regrets, youth forever.

26. How you live is entirely up to you. Take the consequences of your own choice.

27. When you really like a person, you will find that you dare not look him in the eye.

28. There are always people in this world who are more miserable than us. It is more blessed to serve others than to be served.

29. Prepare to say to yourself from time to time: admit when you are wrong, and shut up when you are right.

30. If there is no ideal, that is, there will never be a beautiful reality.