Reflections on "Struggle in the Spring of a New Era"
Silence Blooming
2023-08-13 15:04:43

It is another spring. Chairman Yin's article "Struggle in the Spring of a New Era" opened the prelude to our new goal of becoming a world-class enterprise group. Read the full text thoroughly and thoroughly. From ambition to method to strategy to spirit, we have outlined the way forward, which is exciting and inspiring.

In my opinion, the most touching thing is the tenacity to think calmly and step by step towards the goal under the great goal, huge pattern and full of passion. In this spirit of struggle, our goals will certainly be achieved. Happiness comes from hard work. It takes only a small step to reach a thousand miles. Chairman Yin's article says that "yesterday's sun can't dry today's clothes", but it has profound meaning. The past struggle cannot determine the future. Only today's struggle is a step towards the goal. Every "today" cannot be slack, and the past methods, habits, and achievements cannot determine the future, Only by focusing on the present and grasping the present can we achieve our goals, which points out the direction and connotation of our struggle.

Struggle means taking responsibility. We used to hear that only standing on the shoulders of giants can we achieve extraordinary achievements. Chairman Yin said that we should be responsible, and each generation has its own long march, which reflects the dedication of not forgetting the original intention and daring to take on the responsibility. Success does not have to be mine, and each of us is required to perform our duties well in our own posts, overcome difficulties, lay a good foundation, seek a long-term future, do a good job in the relay race, and achieve our new goals step by step.

To strive is to work hard. The article gives several examples, which are seemingly simple but rich in connotation. We need to keep learning, enrich knowledge, adapt to the requirements of different stages of the post, invest sufficient working time and complete the work to the letter. To strive is to be skillful. Skillful work is not opportunism. In particular, the article explains that our enterprises have different industries, different stages of development, and different opportunities and challenges for reading notes. For us, skillful work is methodology, focusing on major contradictions, constantly improving working methods and solving problems from the perspective of development. The struggle must seize every minute. We are required to seize the time and strive to achieve the goal in the shortest time. Another connotation of seizing the moment mentioned in the article is to seize every opportunity in the fleeting change and not miss it.

Chairman Yin's interpretation of struggle shows us the method of struggle and puts forward the requirements of struggle. We work hard to run our own stick in every ordinary post in this spring day.