44 Idioms Describing Nature
Charming posture
2023-04-24 21:08:51
Complete sentences

1. Sentences describing nature

2. Idioms describing nature

3. The rainbow is like a wisp of rosy clothes hanging in the sky, which is extremely graceful.

4. To wipe out the roots of Wu Feisheng's brilliant stars

5. Torrential rain fills the garden Spring morning fog misty sunset

6. Beautiful autumn scenery, plum snow, spring waves

7. In the cold winter months, heavy rain, strong wind, thunder and lightning rise into the sky

8. Cold plum fragrance, setting sun like red clouds, covering fog, wind and rain

9. Beautiful mountains, clear waters, bright sunshine, willow green flowers and colorful bridges across the sky

10. Sunrise, golden light, ice melting, snow melting, full of spring, beautiful day in the sky

11. The moon is like water, the mountains are high, the afterglow is bright, and the green mountains outside the mountain

12. Blended with water, singing and dancing, the mist is like gauze, spring is strong

13. The sun is sinking in the west and frost is falling. Ye knows the autumn. Deep mountains and old forests

14. The setting sun is beautiful. The sun is setting in the west. The osmanthus is fragrant

15. Charming colors, red sun, spray, rain and wind, bright moonlight

16. Meandering, continuous, sporadic, drizzle, high mountains, deep streams, and setting sun

17. Spring has feet, sunset is like fire, autumn is high and horse fat is endless

18. The spring is full of sudden rain and storm, and the mountains and rivers are in the same color

19. High mountains, flowing water, abundant grains, a round of sunrise and blue sky

20. The full moon is like a yellow lantern, rising from the eastern horizon in the sky.

21. Half a moon hangs on the tip of a locust tree, like an orange.

22. The withered grass in the grass is like the yellow hair of a child. It is soft and crouching.

23. The wind in late spring, with a slight chill, is particularly comfortable on the face and body.

24. The tired moon hid in the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars like watching.

25. Cloud is a colorful fairy, a changeable magician and a naughty elf.

26. I don't know when the brilliant morning glow reddened half of the sky and sprinkled soft colors on the campus.

27. In the evening, dark clouds rolled in the sky, like a huge iron pot upside down. It was dark and oppressive.

28. When the sun goes down, its extra strong light shoots out from the top of the trees, dyeing white clouds into blood and green mountains into blood.

29. The wind is blowing with a slight warmth, and the cuckoo's call comes from time to time. It tells us: "Spring has returned.

30. In the rice field, a piece of yellow rice ripples with the autumn wind. In the green vegetable field, the fat and tender leaves are shining with crystal dew.

31. The golden autumn has gone. The sky is like a sapphire covering the sky. It has been wiped clean by the golden wind? gorgeous.

32. The sunlight came in from the east window, and was screened into a mottled mixture of light yellow and gray black by the hollowed out screen curtain. It fell on Lin Baishuang's forehead, just like some mysterious words.

33. Grass adds vitality and luster to spring. It can be seen in the barren land, high mountains and stone crevices.

34. Look, it's raining again. The rain is like silk, light and thin, so you can't hear the sound of pattering, and you can't feel the dripping rain. It just seemed that it was a kind of wet smoke, gently moistening the earth and people's hearts.

35. Spring girl picked up a magic paintbrush and shook it on the earth again and again: grass stuck out its head, flowers opened their smiling faces, and willows swayed their long braids. That's really: spring is full of vitality, pink and willow green!

36. The grass is dotted with green, and grass sticks out from the hard soil, looking curiously at everything around. It weaves green carpets with its own little green, making Yamahara more beautiful!

37. Your light dance steps jump on the green leaves; Your graceful posture is just like that red dragonfly, sticking to the water with its belly and flying low. You moisten the life of the earth with damp emotion! The earth warms your cold heart with its warm body!

38. The continuous autumn rain finally bid farewell to this northern country. The old people can take a comfortable walk, and the children can enjoy themselves in the wild. People who have stayed here for a long time can finally breathe a sigh of relief, enjoy the gift of cool autumn, climb high and look far, and enjoy many days of elegance.

39. In the spring, the grass opened its sleepy eyes and poked out its small head from the soil. It was tender and green. From a distance, I can see a piece of green velvet, but I can't see them near. It's really "grass color is far away, but not near"!

40. The sky in spring is blue and bright. In spring, there is no trace of impurities. The sky in spring is more like a pool of blue lake water, which is unfathomable under the dazzling stars. Spring days give kites a place to travel and birds a space to fly freely.

41. The autumn wind is cool, so you can get into the open window and caress your face, bringing a sense of sadness and beauty. It is not as cold and cold as the winter wind, nor as hot and lazy as the summer wind, nor as gentle and delicate as the spring wind. Only with a trace of coolness and loneliness, it quietly penetrates people's hearts.

42. I like it. I like the verdant summer, because I can indulge in swimming in the pool in summer. Summer brings joy to children. They are the happiest angels in summer. I like it. I like the stormy summer, because the summer rain is so straightforward. The lotus in summer gives us a smile, and the lotus leaves in summer show us their charm.

43. Inadvertently, I caught a glimpse of the round, strange, clean and soft face of the sun on the edge of the western sky, and all the dazzling light in the daytime converged. There is only a kind of sweet but unspeakable red, some of which are like mature salted egg yolks processed and wrapped by yellow sandy soil. The red oil flows and licks like fine sand particles, but it is very easy to dissolve, nutritious and tasty.

44. Spring is coming. Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, flowers are competing for beauty, and birds are singing beautiful songs, like praising Spring Girl. Spring rain is also "rustling" underground. How can we lose him in this charming fairyland? The younger brother of the river is also "rattling", and it seems that he is also enjoying everything Spring Girl has arranged!