Impressions of the Pirate King
Flying flowers like dreams
2023-07-13 19:48:33
third year in high school
impressions of after reading

This part is also a part that I am very interested in. I read this part at one time. Although they are sea bandits, Lufei and others seem to have never experienced sea battles. They always defeat their opponents on land and islands. This time, they were trapped in a fortress. What's more, the ship was taken away by the enemy, which was unprecedented. No matter how tough you are, in the face of a navy whose number is thousands of times that of your own, there is really no other way except to surrender. However, Lufei's words, "When I want to go, I will be able to go out.", gave me tremendous inspiration and worship of Lufei! It's so confident and courageous. Only people with real strength can say such words.
Joba made jokes for everyone again. This guy is really talented! When the female doctor asked him to take himself as a hostage, you can see what he said: "My lord is the number one hot man in the Straw Hat Pirates Regiment, make way for him, or I will break her neck!" I just wanted to applaud his arrogance. Looking aside, Zhuoluo has already applauded with cooperation. For Zhuoluo's tacit understanding and their performance, I could hardly stand up when I laughed.
However, the success of Baron's great escape shows that a man can't defeat four hands. No matter how powerful he is, he can't fight against many more enemies than himself. So don't try hard at this time. You should know how to outwit. It's better not to spend any effort to escape.
It was not easy to escape, but I found that the treasure was lost, which is the lifeblood of Namei. How can I leave the treasure behind and escape like this? They are pirates. So he decided to go back and take back the treasure. As Joba said, when treasure becomes the target, Nami is always overwhelmingly persuasive. Although they felt very dangerous, after Nami's impassioned statement, everyone decided to carry out the plan of seizing the treasure with enthusiasm. It seems that people can only give full play to their abilities when they do things they like, and Nami has proved this with facts.
The hiding place of treasure shows that many things are not as complex as imagined, and the most dangerous place is often the safest place. I admire Nami's boldness. After knowing the location of the treasure, she took Lufei with her. She never thought of failure. For example, the treasure is not there, or there are heavy troops there. Even if she takes the treasure, she can't escape. In fact, looking at the final success of Nami, on the one hand, it is because of Nami's boldness, on the other hand, it is because of the Navy's contempt for its enemies. They think that they have nothing to worry about when they take down Lufei. They have no defense against Nami at all. If they arrest Nami directly after they take control of Lufei, so that she will not have the chance to create thunder and lightning, then Nami cannot escape.
So say: never, ever, despise any of your enemies!
In the end, I admired the commander even more. He was so smart. He was in control of everything. He knew how to use the favorable factors of nature to serve himself. The time was just right. Once he had timed the time, the tide would definitely ebb when they ran away. If it were not for Lufei, they would be different from ordinary people, and they would not escape. But in fact, he also knows that Lufei can escape, because since they have a way to fall from the sky, they naturally have a way to fly out of the sky again. What a clever commander.
In fact, the most important thing for me from Baron's escape is to pay attention to collecting intelligence, that is, collecting information. Nami and Robin know this best. Without the map of the fortress, there is no way to escape. It's just like a headless fly. Therefore, the most important thing after arriving at a place, especially the enemy's position, is to collect intelligence, first maps, then the strength and equipment of the place. This is also applicable now.
If you want to survive in the market, you must pay attention to collecting all kinds of information. The new policies, regulations, and news of partners, competitors, and businesses in the same industry must be mastered in a timely manner, so that you can fully control, know yourself and the other, so that you can better deal with opportunities and crises, and be invincible in the competition.