55 proverbs about dragons
Dare to bear
2023-04-22 00:36:23
English Proverbs

1、 On February 2, the dragon looked up.

2、 The cloud follows the dragon, and the wind follows the tiger.

3、 Many dragons and droughts make many people confused.

4、 Dragon liver and chicken gall attract evil doctors.

5、 It's hard to catch dragons without going down to the sea.

6、 Ye Gong likes dragons. I'm afraid it's true.

7、 Like a dragon at home, like a mouse out.

8、 Better a snake's head than a dragon's tail.

9、 It is easy to approve dragon scales, but difficult to smooth tiger whiskers.

10、 Accumulated water makes an abyss, and the dragon flourishes.

11、 There are three dragons under the dragon.

12、 The dragon does not leave the sea, and the tiger does not leave the mountain.

13、 The dragon goes to the sea, the tiger goes to the mountains.

14、 The dragon fights with the tiger, and the little roe suffers.

15、 There are nine kinds of dragons.

16、 Dragon and tiger battle, turtle disaster.

17、 If dragons and tigers fight, one must be hurt.

18、 Dragon and tiger fight, fish and tortoise suffer.

19、 When the dragon moves one step, the grass and trees are pounded.

20、 The dragon moves one step, the turtle climbs ten years.

21、 Two people dance the dragon.

22、 Rowing dragon boats in the river, working together.

23、 Carps jump from the dragon gate and are worth a hundred times more.

24、 A dragon is better than an earthworm.

25、 Two dragons fight, fish, turtle, shrimp and crab are injured.

26、 To capture dragons, go to the sea; to fight tigers, go up the mountain.

27、 If it is a dragon, it will go to heaven; if it is a snake, it will go to the ground.

28、 When dragons are caught in clouds and rain, they are not in the pool.

29、 If you don't have a dragon sabre, you dare to go to the East China Sea.

30、 As many dragons put up the rain, so many sons put up the dead.

31、 No cloud without dragon, no water without fish.

32、 Singers in dragon robes cannot become emperors.

33、 It's dragons coming and going to the sea, and it's snakes digging in the grass.

34、 Linen bags are not made of this material.

35、 On August 15, I watched the dragon lantern, which was half a year late.

36、 Dragons rain everywhere, snakes hurt people everywhere.

37、 The tap does not pull the ponytail, and the force is wrong.

38、 When the Dragon King Temple was flooded, the whole family did not recognize each other.

39、 Never provoke the dragon, no matter what you are.

40、 When the Dragon King of the Four Seas moves his sword, there is water inside and outside.

41、 If you shoot a tiger, you cannot practice archery. If you cut a dragon, you will sharpen your knife.

42、 Capturing dragons is not afraid of the waves, and fighting tigers is not afraid of the tigers.

43、 The tiger pulled out his teeth and the dragon picked up the pearl under his head.

44、 Don't worry about the frost stage. The Qianlong must wait for a thunder.

45、 The beggars offered to the Dragon King. The poor had a poor heart.

46、 The dragon lives in shallow water and is attacked by shrimp, while the tiger falls flat and is bullied by dogs.

47、 The clouds are still wet when the dragon returns to the cave at night, and the musk deer passes through the green mountains and trees in spring.

48、 The dragon is the dragon, the turtle is the turtle, and the trumpet is the copper pot and the iron.

49、 The lobster plays in the Longyou shoal, and the dog bullies you when the tiger falls.

50、 When the dragon meets the shallow water, the shrimp plays. When the phoenix enters the deep forest, the bird bullies her.

51. Liu Beisan goes to Wolonggang and invites you, Zhuge Liang.

52. The dragon makes the dragon, the phoenix makes the phoenix, and the mouse's friend makes a hole.

Fifty-three, the dragon has one of the snakes, which does not harm its spirit; Jade has a vein of stone.

Fifty-four, before the rise of the dragon, it is associated with fish and turtles; The scale of his ascent is invisible.

55. More dragons do not control water, more chickens do not lay eggs, and more daughter-in-law and mother-in-law cook.