Sentimental hottest copy
2023-05-20 21:23:21
Complete sentences

1. The hardest thing in life is not to have it, but to let it go

2. Is it snowing that we can get to the white head together without taking an umbrella.

3. Others' everlasting life is a classic and a good story. Our everlasting, but with lies, sadness. Bite your teeth, pick a bitter and astringent herb to drink the soup of Meng Po's family. Learn to let go of the memory and hold the happiness of tomorrow.

4. There are two words in life that are very sad.

5. Today, I carved your name with my snow heart. In this world, my heart has been engraved with your name.

6. Many times, all we want is a positive look and an understanding heart.

7. We let go of our dignity and stubbornness, but only because we can't let go of a person.

8. The wounded know better how to love and be loved.

9. When I was in love, I was a fool. After breaking up, I became a madman.

10. Most of the pain is the result of refusing to leave the scene. There is no destined misfortune, only the persistence of dying.

11. I thought it was heaven and earth, but it was just a dream.

12. Instantaneous unhappiness, I can remember for a lifetime

13. What I fear most in the relationship is that you are serious, but the other person is only ambiguous. The funny thing is that he always leans on his mouth while you are distracted.

14. Waiting for love, there is the most painful hope, and the sweetest despair.

15. The biggest regret is not to miss the best person, but to have used up your best when you met a better person. Emotion is a consumable. I only hope you leave your best to the right person.

16. The snow suddenly fell, floating so pure, buried me in your world.

17. You never know how much you like a person unless you see her with others.

18. Once, I wanted to share all my secrets with you, but now, you have become the deepest secret in my heart.

19. About the past, about you, come to an end. Please look forward to the future and me.

20. I want to watch the snow with my beloved before the end of the world.

21. I've recovered this time. You'll never have a chance again

22. The snow is so heavy, isn't the sky white.

23. The new life we are excited to look forward to is doomed to be incomplete memory from the very beginning. The palpitations in our hearts when we first met, and the sweetness of mutual dependence after we met each other, in this spring season, have finally come to the end of its original short-lived end, leaving only a silent morning with light clouds and wind singing the elegy of parting.

24. At that time, the promise of "forever" could not reach the time.

25. All departures have signs, all doubts may be true, and some people have never failed you when they should let you down.

26. It's not that we don't love anymore, but that we can't go back.

27. I am waiting for a person who is willing to walk into my life, who knows that I have been waiting endlessly and therefore cherishes me more, who may not have been able to participate in my yesterday but is willing to walk through every tomorrow with me hand in hand, who knows that I am imperfect but still likes me and even appreciates my imperfection.

28. When my girlfriend said she missed me, I knew she was hungry again.

29. Others are waiting for umbrellas, while I am waiting for the rain to stop.

30. At the time of separation, may our friendship last forever! In the quiet Zhanjiao campus, you and I get along day and night, pen and ink dating, morning and evening laughter, feeling like brothers and sisters, and valuing Taishan, but time passes, and time never returns.

31. When the years explain what is mean, I still keep the original stubbornness and smile

32. Whose robbery is and whose salvation is.

33. Unconsciously, I became the person I hated at the beginning.

34. Heartbroken, no longer have the courage to love, completely helpless.

35. If you learn to be lonely, you will not feel lonely.

36. I have held your hand, kissed your lips, felt your embrace, and owned your tenderness, so no one else is allowed.

37. In everyone's life, there will probably be a person who can never be deeply embraced. The reason why he is so memorable may be that he has some qualities that you like, and he has illuminated your life, or maybe it is just that he never forgets! The kind of helplessness that no matter how hard you try, you will never get results!

38. What really matters is not the years in life, but the life in the years.

39. If there is an afterlife, I would like to become a whale and live alone without touching love.

40. Those who said they would not leave finally scattered to the ends of the earth.

41. The earth cannot fall down because of your disappearance, but my world will certainly collapse.

42. The snow on the green pine makes the lonely travelers hear the holy sound.

43. I didn't expect the instant liking to last until now

44. Ambiguity can only make people full of defense, but there is no belonging in the heart.

45. They agreed to watch the first snow with me. It's snowing. Where are you?

46. The happiest thing in the world: when a bad tempered woman meets a good tempered man, he falls in love with her.

47. I believe that the oath you gave me is like the spring that will come.

48. How to go the rest of the way? How can men leave their tears until I go alone.

49. Once you loved me so much, but now I am the only one who reads love novels.

50. It may be that the feelings are too expensive now, which makes those who give their heart feel embarrassed.

51. If memory is a square city. Then, for your sake, I am willing to paint the ground as a prison and trap myself in it.

52. You have changed a long time ago. I remember you very well

53. How sticky you are when you are together, how painful you will be when you are apart.

54. The things you have waited for too long are not what you wanted.

55. Who is not hypocritical, who has not been reminded when you leave? In my heart, there is a profound sound, emitting a faint orchid fragrance.

56. Those who stay up late and cannot love should quit

57. If you miss something, you will miss it all your life. People will become, keep an unchanged commitment, but can not keep a fickle heart.

58. I really want to know your current news, but I don't know how I feel now.