Publicity slogan of school drowning prevention safety education (publicity slogan of drowning prevention safety education)
Be your backup
2023-05-09 08:03:55
Complete set of slogans

1. Running water is risky, so be careful when entering the water.

2. Use the swimming pool safely and take care of children.

3. Strengthen leadership and implement safety measures to prevent drowning.

4. The swimming pool is full of fun, so you should be careful when taking care of children.

5. Please do not swim in the water area without safety facilities and rescue personnel.

6. Cherish your life and keep away from the pond.

7. Swimming is fun, life is the most valuable, cautious!

8. There is no reverse ticket for underwater "lifetime tour".

9. For your safety, parents should accompany you when you go swimming.

10. Water is not paradise. Please be careful when wading.

11. If you want to become a dead fish, please enter the water here.

12. Safety first, don't let water take away your life.

13. Life is only once, drowning is only one thought away.

14. For your life safety, please do not swim with your classmates without authorization.

15. Remember: Don't swim in informal swimming places!

16. Hand in hand, go swimming safely.

17. For your life safety, please do not go swimming without your parents.

18. When children use the swimming pool, adults should pay attention to it at all times.

19. There are 500 cases of drowning here, and no drowning person has been seen to go ashore so far.

20. Educate and supervise children not to play by the river.

21. If you want to go back to the shore and wait for the next life, you will be hated forever!

22. Please think twice before you act.

23. Clear the river water to prevent drowning; Cherish life and avoid entering water.

24. Children play in the pool and adults take care of them.

25. Prevent drowning accidents and ensure the safety of students during summer vacation.

26. The swimming pool facilities should be played together, and adults are not in danger.

27. Cherish your life. The water is dangerous, and you can turn around.

28. The drowning alarm bell always rings, and safety education should be kept in mind.

29. You can't be free in the water like fish, so please prevent drowning.

30. Drowning accident pulls people's hearts, and swimming in the water is not peaceful.

31. Strengthen education and enhance the safety awareness of young people and children.

32. There is only one life. Please cherish life.

33. Don't swim without your parents.

34. Swimming warm-up is very important. Remember to prevent drowning.

35. Strengthen safety education and build a safe campus.

36. Do not swim with peers.

37. Please do not swim in unknown waters.

38. Cherish life, beware of drowning, stay away from danger and grow up safely.