The Way to Success
Falling Snow Palace Dust Lingyun Envy
2023-08-26 21:47:05
topic of conversation

There are always many obstacles on the road to success. The fruits of success are delicious. Only by unremitting efforts and correct thinking can we achieve something.
I once saw an article that there was delicious food on the back of the wall, and there were two red and green ants on the other side of the wall. They both wanted to get food. The idea of the red ant was to persevere in the end is success, so it never hesitated to climb up. Although the wall was high, it never gave up, climbed up and removed, climbed up and removed, and never discouraged. Every time it falls, it will start again. Some people say that the red ants are doing right, and this perseverance is worth learning. But I don't think so. It's just an unscientific and stupid bet. Although it's right to work hard, it's inevitable to be broken and bleeding, not to mention successful. The green ants looked at the red ants, who were all black and blue, and felt helpless for her. Facing the tall wall, I was deep in thought... Suddenly, a flash of light came to me, why not walk around the wall? It is not only convenient but also without any danger. Soon it easily got food. The dying red ants have only to listen to the green ants. Some people will also say that the red ants are sympathetic. I think the losers do not need sympathy, and they should more summarize the methods of success.
Let's see how important thinking is to success. For example, what's the difference between farmers and farmers? The farmer's more idea is that I will keep this one mu of land, how to let him grow well and harvest more food, while the farmer's idea is that how can I make this one mu of land into hundreds of acres, thousands of acres, to achieve greater results, the final result is self-evident. Similarly, what is the difference between ordinary people and businessmen? Some people say that businessmen are crafty and common people are kind, which is one-sided. When encountering obstacles, ordinary people do not try to find ways, but just pray to God. Businessmen will analyze frequently, look for the market from the chaotic life, and gain wealth through efforts. Similarly, in the book Yugong Yishan, we have learned the spirit of Yugong's fearlessness and unremitting efforts from the textbook. But when we think about it from another angle, this story just shows that without correct thinking, we will not succeed, because the story tells us that mountains were carried away by gods, not dug up by Yugong. In reality, there are no immortals. All success depends on our own efforts and correct methods.
Through the ages, we can see how many successful examples and successful experiences have all explained that the so-called way to success requires unremitting efforts and, more importantly, correct ideas and methods.